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depthmapX Command Line Interface


The depthmapX command line interface allows to run steps that are traditionally executed by loading a file into the GUI and clicking buttons/menu entries by running a command from a command line/shell.

The command line interface is especially useful in cases where a similar kind of analysis needs to be repeated regularly, as the steps can be written into a script and run automatically or semi-automatically, do not require user input via mouse/GUI and can be parallelised into multiple processes or on multiple machines.

The general idea is that each call to the command line interface reads in a depthmapX graph file, then applies some transformation/analysis to it and saves the result into a different file. Thus, a pipeline of operations can be created where each step reads in the input of the previous step, and in the end we have the end result and all intermediate steps. This is particularly helpful if something has gone wrong, as we can go back, figure out which step went wrong and rerun this and all subsequent steps.

The command line interface also supports importing of data from DXF and csv formats and export to csv so that a whole pipeline from plan to statistical output can be run programmatically.

The Command Line

The functionality in the depthmapX cli is split up into execution modes - each mode roughly represents a class of functionalities in the UI. The overall commandline looks like:

Mac/Linux: ./depthmapXcli -f <infile.graph> -o <outfile.graph> -m <mode> [mode options]
Windows: depthmapXcli.exe -f <infile.graph> -o <outfile.graph> -m <mode> [mode options]

Global option

These are command line parameters that can be used for any run of the application, no matter what the used mode is.

  • -m <mode> This chooses the mode (what depthmapX operation to execute). Available modes are
    • VGA run visual graph analysis
    • LINK create extra links between pixels
    • VISPREP various operations to prepare a blank map for VGA or agent analysis
    • AXIAL run axial analysis
    • AGENTS run an agent analysis
    • ISOVIST calculate isovists
    • EXPORT export data from the given graph file
    • IMPORT import data into a graph file
  • -f <filename> input graph file to base the operation on
  • -o <output file> graph file the result of the operation will be written to
  • -h print a help text and exit
  • -s enable simple mode (off by default)
  • -t <runtimes csv file> enables dumping of the time used for various steps of the processing into the specified file.

Each mode has a set of suboptions to tailor what exactly will we done.

Mode options for VGA

  • -vm Sets the VGA mode. This option must be set when using VGA. These reflect the options from the VGA submenu in the depthmap UI. Possible options are
    • isovist
    • visibility
    • metric
    • angular
    • thruvision
  • -vg Turn on global measures (optional). When set, -vr must be used to set a visibility radius.
  • -vl Turn on local measures (optional).
  • -vr <radius> Set the visibility radius to a number between 1 and 99 steps.

Mode options for LINK

Use this mode to add links to a grid before running a VGA analysis. It takes tuples of coordinates and links the two closes pixels (as if using the link tool in the graphical user interface - the coordinates represent the mouse positions when clicking). This mode either takes a list of tuples on the command line, or it reads it in from a file

  • -lf <links file> Reads in the link coordinates from a file.
  • -lnk <link coordinates> Defines one link to be made in the format x1,y1,x2,y2` - e.g. to link from 0.0,0.0 to 1.0,2.3, specify 0.0,0.0,1.0,2.3.

The file format for the links file is 4 tabulator separated columns with headers x1, x2, y1, and y2. So the file for the example above would be:

x1  y1  x2  y2
0.0 0.0 1.0 2.3

Mode options for VISPREP

This mode can be used to run the preparation steps required after a map (dxf) has been imported into depthmapX, but before a VGA or agent analysis can be run. It will define a grid, fill the graph, and run the connectivity calculation. It takes the following options

  • -pg <gridsize> defines the grid size in units of your drawing
  • -pp <coordinate> Defines a point where the fill algorithm starts in x,y format. This option can be repeated if separate parts of the plan need to be filled.
  • -pf <point file> Reads the points for filling from the specified file (tab separated, headers X and Y). This option cannot be combined with -pp
  • -pr <max visibility> This restricts the visiblity in the connectivity calculation to the given value. The default value is unrestricted (-1)
  • -pb Enables creating a boundary graph.

Example: ./depthmapXcli_macos -f gallery.graph -o gallery_prep.graph -m VISPREP -pg 0.4 -pf 3.0,4.0 -pr 5

Mode options for AXIAL

This modes runs the various things that depthmapX can do around axial analysis. It has two different kinds of options: command options that specify what to run, and modifiers that impact how these are run.

Each command options expects an input file that has the required inputs for these options (e.g. an axial analysis expects the graph file to contain an axial map). The command options are

  • -xl <coordinate> Calculate an all lines map starting at the point given in x,y format.
  • -xf reduce an all lines map to a fewest lines map. Expects an axial map that can be reduced to be in the graph file.
  • -xu Process unlink data (not yet supported on the command line)
  • -xa run the actual axial analysis. Expects an axial map to be present in the graph file.

These command flags can be combined within one run, they will always run in the order -xl -xf -xu -xa and each step can produce the input for the next.

In addition to these flags, the following modifiers are available

  • -xac Include choice (betweenness) calculations
  • -xal Include local measures
  • -xar Include RA, RRA and total depth calculations

Mode options for AGENTS

  • -am <agent mode> one of
    • standard
    • los-length (Line of Sight length)
    • occ-length (Occluded length)
    • occ-any (Any occlusions)
    • occ-group-45 (Occlusion group bins - 45 degrees)
    • occ-group-60 (Occlusion group bins - 60 degrees)
    • occ-furthest (Furthest occlusion per bin)
    • bin-far-dist (Per bin far distance weighted)
    • bin-angle (Per bin angle weighted)
    • bin-far-dist-angle (Per bin far-distance and angle weighted)
    • bin-memory (Per bin memory)
  • -ats <timesteps> set total system timesteps to be run
  • -arr <rate> set agent release rate (likelyhood of release per timestep)
  • -atrails <no of trails> record trails for this amount of agents (set to 0 to record all, with max possible currently = 50)
  • -afov <fov> set agent field-of-view (bins)
  • -asteps <steps> set agent steps before turn decision
  • -alife <timesteps> set agent total lifetime (in timesteps)
  • -alocseed <seed> set agents to start at random locations with specific seed (0 to 10)
  • -alocfile <agent starting points file>
  • -aloc <coordinates> provide the single agent starting point in format x1,y1 for example -aloc 0.1,0.2.
  • -ot <output type> available output types (may use more than one
    • graph (graph file, default)
    • gatecounts (csv with cells of grid with gate counts)
    • trails (csv with lines showing path traversed by each agent)

Mode options for ISOVIST

  • -ii <x,y[,angle,viewangle]> Define an isoivist at position x,y with optional direction angle and view angle for partial isovists
  • -if <isovist file> load isovist definitions from a file (csv) the relevant headers must be called x, y, angle and viewangle the latter two are optional.

Those two arguments cannot be mixed Angles for partial isovists are in degrees, counted anti-clockwise with 0 pointing to the right.

Mode options for EXPORT

This mode exports data from a graph file to a csv for further analysis in other tools, e.g. Excel or a statistics package. Thus, the output file (-o argument) should be a csv file, not a graph file in this mode.

  • -em <export mode> one of
    • pointmap-data-csv
    • pointmap-connections-csv

Mode options for IMPORT

The file provided by -f here will be used as the base. If that fileis not a graph, a new graph will be created and the file will be imported.

  • -if <file(s) to import> one or more files to import

Example for importing a dxf:

./depthmapXcli -f in.dxf -o out.graph