The tool wants to be a tool to create metadata annotations to PDF for open data sets. It is made using the following libraries: React.js, Node.js, pdf.js, Mongodb, react-pdf-annotator.
- Login system base on Passport.js (
- Upload pdf's, delete pdf
- See list pdf's upload from all users
- Visualize pdf using PDF.js and create annotations using library react-pdf-highlighter.
- Show of each metadata PDF in information page
- Visualize metadata PDF in information page
- Create Visualization thumbnail annotations made. Rectangles are coloured with the colour defined in annotation type. (Inspired by texty data viz method created by Jaume Nualart: )
- App have login restricted pages and public pages
- Api with login services and public ones
Tool now is in prototype state. To be a ready tool need more work:
- [Clean code]
- [Test and debug application]
- [Create Legend(now is add manually to the database)]
- [Retriving pdf list in dashboard seems goes to slow. Maybe sending too much data not necessary]
- [Create comments to existing comments] (suggest in the workshop)
- [Create multi selection to annotation types] (suggest in the github issue)
- [Fix image annotations of the pdf]
- [Fix edit annotations already created]
- [Add in pdf information all annotation activity data (log of:created annotations, modified, delete). Restore delete messages or modified to certain previous state]
The project was created using create-react-app ( And it has been using the react-pdf-highlighter library as base code: .
Install all dependencies before running scripts with following:
npm install
In the project directory, you can run:
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
Start express node.js app. The app require mongodb service running.
src/ -> content the react app server/ -> content the node.js express server app svgThumbnails/ -> Folder where the svg thumnails visualization are store pdfUpload/ -> Folder where the pdf are upload
For the project to build, these files must exist with exact filenames:
is the page template;src/index.js
is the JavaScript entry point.
We are always open to your feedback.