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A library that allows for scheduling tasks to be executed at some point in the future.


The goal of this library is twofold:

  1. Allow users to schedule tasks that will be executed at some point in the future.
  2. Transparently handle errors, success, and retries.

In addition, this library should be able to handle various persistence stores. It ships with Redis by default (the implementation can be found at Eventually, it would be fantastic to get this added to the core Vapor org.


To use the Redis implementation of this package, add this to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")

You should not use this package alone unless you plan to reimplement the persistence layer.


There's a full example of this implementation at

Start by creating a job:

struct EmailJob: Job {
    let to: String
    let from: String
    let message: String
    func dequeue(context: JobContext, worker: EventLoopGroup) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return worker.future()
    func error(context: JobContext, error: Error, worker: EventLoopGroup) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return worker.future()

Next, configure the Jobs package in your configure.swift:

import Jobs
import JobsRedisDriver

public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Environment, _ services: inout Services) throws {
    /// Redis
    //MARK: - Redis
    try services.register(RedisProvider())
    let redisUrlString = "redis://localhost:6379"
    guard let redisUrl = URL(string: redisUrlString) else { throw Abort(.internalServerError) }
    let redisConfig = try RedisDatabase(config: RedisClientConfig(url: redisUrl))
    var databaseConfig = DatabasesConfig()
    databaseConfig.add(database: redisConfig, as: .redis)
    services.register(JobsPersistenceLayer.self) { container -> JobsRedisDriver in
        return JobsRedisDriver(database: redisConfig, eventLoop:
    try jobs(&services)

public func jobs(_ services: inout Services, persistenceLayer: JobsPersistenceLayer) throws {
    let jobsProvider = JobsProvider(refreshInterval: .seconds(10))
    try services.register(jobsProvider)
    //Register jobs
    services.register { _ -> JobsConfig in
        var jobsConfig = JobsConfig()
        return jobsConfig
    services.register { _ -> CommandConfig in
        var commandConfig = CommandConfig.default()
        commandConfig.use(JobsCommand(), as: "jobs")
        return commandConfig

To add some data to the queue, add a controller like this:

final class JobsController: RouteCollection {
    let queue: QueueService
    init(queue: QueueService) {
        self.queue = queue
    func boot(router: Router) throws {
        router.get("/queue", use: addToQueue)
    func addToQueue(req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
        let job = EmailJob(to: "", from: "", message: "message")
        return queue.dispatch(job: job, maxRetryCount: 10).transform(to: .ok)

Finally, spin up a queue worker like this:

vapor build && vapor run jobs

Adding a job to a specific queue:

extension QueueType {
    static let emails = QueueType(name: "emails")
func addToQueue(req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
    let job = EmailJob(to: "", from: "", message: "message")
    return queue.dispatch(job: job, maxRetryCount: 10, queue = .emails).transform(to: .ok)

vapor run jobs --queue emails

Handling errors

There are no public-facing methods that are marked as throwing in this library. To return an error from the dequeue function, for example, do this:

func dequeue(context: JobContext, worker: EventLoopGroup) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {   
    return worker.future(error: Abort(.badRequest, reason: "My error here."))

You can use the error method on Job to catch any errors thrown in the process and send an email, perform database cleanup, etc.


  • Full documentation in the Vapor docs style
  • Potentially ship with a Fluent integration as well
  • Look into what it would take to pull this into the main Vapor org
  • Tag versions