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File metadata and controls

354 lines (257 loc) · 7.95 KB


Valval is the fastest web framework in V language.

This means you can develop a website quickly and run it even faster!

A simple demo:
import valval

fn hello(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	return valval.response_ok('hello world')

fn main() {
	mut app := valval.new_app(true)
	app.route('/', hello)
	valval.runserver(app, 8012)


Using Git

$ git clone
$ mkdir -p ~/.vmodules
$ ln -s $(pwd)/valval ~/.vmodules/valval 

Using VPM

Watchmen123456 has registered the module with vpm. Simply use the following if you have v on your PATH variable:

$ v install watchmen123456.valval

Note: If you use vpm; you'll have to change the import to:

import watchmen123456.valval


A Minimal Application

A minimal Valval application looks something like this:

// demo.v

module main

import valval

fn hello(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	return valval.response_ok('hello world')

fn main() {
	mut app := valval.new_app(true)
	app.route('/', hello)
	valval.runserver(app, 8012)

Run server

$ v run demo.v

Then you can visit to see the website

$ curl
hello world

Debug Mode

You can decide whether to use debug mode when calling valval.new_app()

mut app := valval.new_app(true)  // debug mode
mut app := valval.new_app(false) // production mode

debug mode will print out more infomation while app running

Service Port

You can decide the service port number when calling the valval.runserver()

valval.runserver(app, 8012)  // listening 8012 port
valval.runserver(app, 80)    // listening 80 port

The valval server will bind address, so you can visit the website by or ServerIp:Port


Use the App.route() function to band a handler function to request path

The handler function should have a parameter of type Request and return a Response

mut app := valval.new_app(true)

app.route('/', hello)   		         //

app.route('/users', function1)        //
app.route('/user/info', function2)    //

app.route('POST:/book', function3)  // by POST
app.route('DELETE:/book', function4)    // by DELETE
app.route('/book', function5)         // by other methods

app.route('*', function6)   		     // all remain

valval.runserver(app, 80)

Accessing Request Data

Currently, only the following data can be parsed:

  • query parameters by GET request; by valval.Request.query[xxx]
  • x-www-form-urlencoded parameters by POST / PUT / PATCH request; by valval.Request.form[xxx]
fn hello(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	mut name = request.query['name']
	if name == '' {
		name = 'world'
	return valval.response_ok('hello $name')

fn post_hello(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	mut name = request.form['name']
	if name == '' {
		name = 'world'
	return valval.response_ok('hello $name')

app.route('GET:/hello', hello)
app.route('POST:/hello', post_hello)

valval.Request.get() provides a quick way to get data whether it is from query or form.

fn hello(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	name = request.get('name', 'world')  // default: 'world'
	return valval.response_ok('hello $name')

app.route('/hello', hello)

More types of request data will be supported in the future:

  • parameters in url
  • multipart/form-data by POST request
  • application/json by POST request
  • uploaded files

Static Files

Use valval.App.serve_static to serve local files

mut app := valval.new_app(true)

app.serve_static('/static/', './relative/path/to/static/')  
// visit ...

app.serve_static('/static2/', '/absolute/path/to/static2/') 
// visit ...

valval.runserver(app, 80)

Rendering Templates

Valval used a whole new idea to implement the template function; inspired by Vue's system.

Has the following advantages:

  • You don't need to spend time learning how to use templates, if you have used Vue before.
  • If you haven't used Vue, you also can learn it fast, because it's so easy.
  • It can integrate some commonly used UI frameworks, such as: element, mint, vant, antd, bootstrap...
  • I don't need to spend time developing built-in templates 😁.

An example for template:


import valval
import json

struct User {
	name string
	age int
	sex bool

fn users(req valval.Request) valval.Response {

	// create a view by template file (`test6.html` can be a relative or absolute path)
	// use `element` ( as ui framework
	mut view := valval.new_view(req, 'users.html', 'element') or {
		return valval.response_bad(err)

	users := [
		User{'Lucy', 13, false},
		User{'Lily', 13, false},
		User{'Jim', 12, true},
	msg := 'This is a page of three user'

	// use view.set to bind data for rendering template
	// the second parameter must be a json string
	view.set('users', json.encode(users))
	view.set('msg', json.encode(msg))

	return valval.response_view(view)


        <title>Users Page</title>
        <!-- Content in body can use template syntax -->
        <p v-for="u in users">
            <span>{{}}</span> ,
            <span>{{u.age}}</span> ,
            <el-tag v-if="">Male</el-tag>
            <el-tag v-else>Female</el-tag>


Use valval.response_redirect() to generate a redirect response

fn test1(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	name = req.get('name', '')
	if name == '' {
		return valval.response_redirect('/not_found')
	return valval.response_ok('hello $name')


In addition to the responses mentioned above (response_ok, response_view, response_redirect)

Valval also provides other response types, as follows:

struct User {
	name string
	age int
	sex bool

fn text(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	return valval.response_text('this is plain text response')

fn json(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	user = User{'Tom', 12, true}
	return valval.response_json(user)
	// -> {"name": "Tom", "age": 12, "sex": true}

fn json_str(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	user = User{'Tom', 12, true}
	user_str = json.encode(user)
	return valval.response_json_str(user_str)
	// -> {"name": "Tom", "age": 12, "sex": true}

fn file(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	return valval.response_file('path/to/local/file')

fn bad(req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	return valval.response_bad('Parameter error!')
	// response with statu code 400

Complete Example

Install V Language

Valval framework currently supports the V language version is 0.1.24

Here are some ways to install V:

1. Download a prebuilt V package

Visit official home page to download

2. Run V in docker [recommand]

docker run -it -p 8012:8012 --name vlang taojy123/vlang bash

It includes OpenSSL

3. Install V from source

$ git clone
$ cd v
$ make

Install OpenSSL

$ brew install openssl

$ sudo apt install libssl-dev openssl ca-certificates

Windows (Win10 Verified): Source can be downloaded from:

You can find a Graphic installer if that's more to you're liking.