This document describes how to set up your development environment to build and test the Valkey GLIDE Go wrapper.
We're excited to share that the GLIDE Go client is currently in development! However, it's important to note that this client is a work in progress and is not yet complete or fully tested. Your contributions and feedback are highly encouraged as we work towards refining and improving this implementation. Thank you for your interest and understanding as we continue to develop this Go wrapper.
The Valkey GLIDE Go wrapper consists of both Go and Rust code. The Go and Rust components communicate in two ways:
- Using the protobuf protocol.
- Using shared C objects. cgo is used to interact with the C objects from Go code.
Software Dependencies
- Go
- GNU Make
- git
- pkg-config
- protoc (protobuf compiler) >= v3.20.0
- openssl
- openssl-dev
- rustup
Valkey installation
See the Valkey installation guide to install the Valkey server and CLI.
Dependencies installation for Ubuntu
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y git gcc pkg-config openssl libssl-dev unzip make
# Install Go
sudo snap install go --classic
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"
# Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Check that the Rust compiler is installed
rustc --version
# Install protobuf compiler
curl -LO $PB_REL/download/v3.20.3/
unzip -d $HOME/.local
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
# Check that the protobuf compiler is installed. A minimum version of 3.20.0 is required.
protoc --version
Dependencies installation for CentOS
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y git gcc pkgconfig openssl openssl-devel unzip wget tar
# Install Go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"
# Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Check that the Rust compiler is installed
rustc --version
# Install protobuf compiler
curl -LO $PB_REL/download/v3.20.3/
unzip -d $HOME/.local
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
# Check that the protobuf compiler is installed. A minimum version of 3.20.0 is required.
protoc --version
Dependencies installation for MacOS
brew update
brew install go make git gcc pkgconfig protobuf@3 openssl
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Check that the Rust compiler is installed
rustc --version
# Verify the Protobuf compiler installation
protoc --version
# If protoc is not found or does not work correctly, update the PATH
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/protobuf@3/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/$USER/.bash_profile
source /Users/$USER/.bash_profile
protoc --version
Before starting this step, make sure you've installed all software requirements.
Clone the repository:
VERSION=0.1.0 # You can modify this to other released version or set it to "main" to get the unstable branch git clone --branch ${VERSION} cd valkey-glide
Install build dependencies:
cd go make install-build-tools
If on CentOS or Ubuntu, add the glide-rs library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
# Replace "<path to valkey-glide>" with the path to the valkey-glide root, eg "$HOME/Projects/valkey-glide" GLIDE_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH=<path to valkey-glide> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$GLIDE_ROOT_FOLDER_PATH/go/target/release/deps/
Build the Go wrapper:
make build
Run tests:
Ensure that you have installed valkey-server and valkey-cli on your host. You can find the Valkey installation guide at the following link: Valkey Installation Guide.
Execute the following command from the go folder:
go test -race ./...
Install Go development tools with:
# For go1.22: make install-dev-tools # For go1.20: make install-dev-tools-go1.20
To run tests, use the benefit on makefile. To run unit tests, run the following command:
make unit-test
To run integration tests, run:
make integ-test
To run modules tests, run:
make modules-test
To execute a specific test, include test-filter=<test_name>
. For example:
make unit-test test-filter=TestConnectionRequestProtobufGeneration_allFieldsSet
Integration and modules tests accept standalone-endpoints
, cluster-endpoints
and tls
parameters to run tests on existing servers.
By default, those test suite start standalone and cluster servers without TLS and stop them at the end.
make integ-test standalone-endpoints=localhost:6379 cluster-endpoints=localhost:7000 tls=true
Test reports generated in reports
During the initial build, Go protobuf files were created in go/protobuf
. If modifications are made to the protobuf definition files (.proto files located in glide-core/src/protobuf
), it becomes necessary to regenerate the Go protobuf files. To do so, run:
make generate-protobuf
Development on the Go wrapper may involve changes in either the Go or Rust code. Each language has distinct linter tests that must be passed before committing changes.
- go vet
- gofumpt
- staticcheck
- golines
- clippy
- fmt
Run from the main /go
# For go1.22: make install-dev-tools # For go1.22: make install-dev-tools-go1.22 make lint
rustup component add clippy rustfmt cargo clippy --all-features --all-targets -- -D warnings cargo fmt --manifest-path ./Cargo.toml --all
The following command can be used to fix Go formatting errors reported by gofumpt or golines. Note that golines does not always format comments well if they surpass the max line length (127 characters).
Run from the main /go
make format
To run the benchmarks, ensure you have followed the build and installation steps (the tests do not have to be run). Then execute the following:
cd go/benchmarks
# To see a list of available options and their defaults:
go run . -help
# An example command setting various options:
go run . -resultsFile gobenchmarks.json -dataSize "100 1000" -concurrentTasks "10 100" -clients all -host localhost -port 6379 -clientCount "1 5" -tls
For every command that you implement, please use PascalCase.
Examples of good command function names:
Examples of bad command function names:
When adding links, surround the piece of text using square brackets and then put the link reference at the bottom of the comment block.
When creating links to other types, surround <Package>.<Type>
with square brackets.
For example, this links
and the XPendingOptions
type with the proper reference:
// Returns stream message summary information for pending messages matching a given range of IDs.
// See [] for details.
// Parameters:
// key - The key of the stream.
// group - The consumer group name.
// opts - The options for the command. See [options.XPendingOptions] for details.
// Return value:
// A slice of XPendingDetail structs, where each detail struct includes the following fields:
// Id - The ID of the pending message.
// ConsumerName - The name of the consumer that fetched the message and has still to acknowledge it.
// IdleTime - The time in milliseconds since the last time the message was delivered to the consumer.
// DeliveryCount - The number of times this message was delivered.
// []:
In the Go client, we have runnable examples in the api/*_test.go
files to supplement the documentation.
Use the following command to run all examples:
make example-test
Examples in Go are treated as tests by the framework. They must compile and execute without error and should return an OK
response when run with the make example-test
or go test
To write an example for the command, find its respective group of commands and add the example to that *_test.go
file. For example, ZAdd
is a command that belongs to sorted_set_commands
so we would add the example to sorted_set_commands_test.go
According to which client you are working with, you can use getExampleGlideClient()
or getExampleGlideClusterClient()
for your examples.
Your example should look something like this:
// string_commands_test.go:
// Template
func ExampleGlideClient_Get() {
var client *GlideClient = getExampleGlideClient() // example helper function
// General set up and code execution
// Output: [expected result]
There can only be a single Output:
directive in an example and it should be the last item in the example func
. For examples with a single print statement, you should put the expected result on the same line as the Output:
directive. For examples with multiple print statements, include the expected output from each print statments on separate comment lines after the Output:
directive. For example:
// Single-line example
func ExampleGlideClient_Set() {
var client *GlideClient = getExampleGlideClient() // example helper function
result, err := client.Set("my_key", "my_value")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Glide example failed with an error: ", err)
// Output: OK
// Multi-line example
func ExampleGlideClient_Sort() {
var client *GlideClient = getExampleGlideClient() // example helper function
result, err := client.LPush("key1", []string{"1", "3", "2", "4"})
result1, err := client.Sort("key1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Glide example failed with an error: ", err)
// Output:
// 4
// [{1 false} {2 false} {3 false} {4 false}]
For complex return types, it may be difficult to understand a response with multiple nested maps and arrays. Consider outputing the response as formatted JSON or use multiple print statements to break down and test key parts of the response. For example:
func ExampleGlideClient_XPending() {
var client *GlideClient = getExampleGlideClient() // example helper function
// Setup here...
summary, err := client.XPending(key, group)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Glide example failed with an error: ", err)
jsonSummary, _ := json.Marshal(summary)
// Output: {"NumOfMessages":1,"StartId":{},"EndId":{},"ConsumerMessages":[{"ConsumerName":"c12345","MessageCount":1}]}
is a program which generates documentation for Go projects. To install and run it, execute the following:
# In the valkey-glide directory
cd go
go install
pkgsite -open .
In order for pkgsite
to work properly, examples for API must be written in a very specific format. They should be located in one of the *_test.go
files in ./api/
and follow this pattern: Example<ClientType>_<FunctionName>()
. If we wanted to create an example for the Get
command in GlideClient
, we would name define our function as follows:
func ExampleGlideClient_Get() {
// Example code here
In cases where we want to show more than one example, we can add extra endings to the function names. Endings must begin with a lowercase letter:
// Bad: extension begins with upper case
func ExampleGlideClient_Get_KeyExists() { ... }
// Bad: extension begins with number
func ExampleGlideClient_Get_1() { ... }
// Good: extension begins with lower case letter
func ExampleGlideClient_Get_one() { ... }
// Better: extension begins with lower case letter and is descriptive
func ExampleGlideClient_Get_keyIsNil { ... }
Note: ClientType
and FunctionName