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249 lines (199 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (199 loc) · 11.1 KB


Stor is a content addressable storage microservice.


  • Configure stor devices and dgs and the notification system by adding stor.yaml and notify.yaml to /var/www/html/data/glued-stor/config
  • Create first bucket
curl 'https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets' --compressed -X POST -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Origin: null' -H 'Pragma: no-cache' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' --data-raw '{"name": "Industra bucket", "dgs": ["66bf39ed-3913-4985-a775-ef3c87cfaee4"] }'
 curl -k -X POST https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets/1fcb4d5c-5364-4cf3-b24e-070c4c71f8d2/objects      -H 'Authorization: Bearer gtk_35MCHFgkNh1PymQEOLStzMtESdo4DZXykoYWvjX9QcQ='      -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'      -F 'refs={"Ryanair.pdf":{"predecessor":"77384ad2-80a4-11ee-9edc-9747c96a1231","sekatko:vpd":["77384ad2-80a4-11ee-9edc-9747c96a1231", "bd4a3c4a-80a6-11ee-8e34-67217a8a9f66"]}};type=application/json'      -F 'meta={"Ryanair.pdf":{"sekatko":{"ocr":"sometext"},"otherapp":{"whatever":""}}};type=application/json'      -F 'file[]=@/home/killua/Ryanair.pdf'      -F 'file[]=@/home/killua/eastern loves_INDUSTRA.png'      -F 'file[]=@/home/killua/todo-petru'      -F 'field1=fiels2' | jq .

TODO: token


Using from the command line

#create a new file
#curl -k -X POST https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets/1fcb4d5c-5364-4cf3-b24e-070c4c71f8d2/objects \
curl -k -X POST \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer gtk_35MCHFgkNh1PymQEOLStzMtESdo4DZXykoYWvjX9QcQ=' \
      -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
      -F 'refs={"Ryanair.pdf":{"predecessor":"77384ad2-80a4-11ee-9edc-9747c96a1231","sekatko:vpd":["77384ad2-80a4-11ee-9edc-9747c96a1231", "bd4a3c4a-80a6-11ee-8e34-67217a8a9f66"]}};type=application/json' \
      -F 'meta={"Ryanair.pdf":{"sekatko":{"ocr":"sometext"},"otherapp":{"whatever":""}}};type=application/json' \
      -F 'file[]=@/home/killua/Ryanair.pdf' \
      -F 'file[]=@/home/killua/eastern loves_INDUSTRA.png' \
      -F 'field1=fiels2' | jq .

curl -k -X PATCH "https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets/1fcb4d5c-5364-4cf3-b24e-070c4c71f8d2/objects/a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506/meta" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"example": 1}'
curl -k -X PUT "https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets/1fcb4d5c-5364-4cf3-b24e-070c4c71f8d2/objects/a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506/refs" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"predecessor": "a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506", "sekatko:vpd": "a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506"}'
curl -k -X DELETE "https://glued/api/stor/v1/buckets/1fcb4d5c-5364-4cf3-b24e-070c4c71f8d2/objects/a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506/refs" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"predecessor": "a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506", "sekatko:vpd": "a2134852-e39f-4b81-8071-2971d1d48506"}'

curl -k -X PATCH "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"example": 1}'
curl -k -X PUT "https:///" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"predecessor": "e4f2ce6f-f4db-462d-8712-61928a5142f2", "sekatko:vpd": "e4f2ce6f-f4db-462d-8712-61928a5142f2"}'
curl -k -X DELETE "https:///" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"predecessor": "e4f2ce6f-f4db-462d-8712-61928a5142f2", "sekatko:vpd": "e4f2ce6f-f4db-462d-8712-61928a5142f2"}'


  • each file identified by uuid
  • every uuid has a filehash associated
  • unique constraint on uuid / filehash
  • each app/service using the same underlying data file must use a "symlink uuid" to the data uuid.
  • each symlink is associated with a natural (human readable filename) + inhereted access rights (from the app/service and the collection/object its associated to)
  • file changes/revisions are symlink bound by default (content addressable storage mode)
  • sharing a symlink will keep shared symlink changes in sync
  • stor will allow to display revision history over a symlink
  • each symlink will be associated with tags
  • getting by symling is the default way
  • app name, collection, object, tags, human readable filename will act as filter on symlinks. i.e. https://glued/api/stor/l/tag1/collection/appname/tag2 will list symlinks corresponding to the components in AND mode. wildcards could work too ig.
  • tags will have context:
    • app/collection relevant
    • app/collection relevant valid only within an auth domain uuid
    • app/collection relevant valid only within an user domain uuid


  • create endpoint bude zrat
    • [REQ] 1..n files
    • [REQ] target.service
    • [REQ] target.collection
    • [OPT] target.object (např. "target": { "service": "fare", "collection": "packlists", "object": "uuid nejakeho packlistu" })
    • [OPT] jwt token nebo apikey (autorizace, prirazeni nejakemu user) - write prava budes mit jako anonym asi jen velmi omezena
    • [OPT] domain uuid (pokud neni zrejma z target)
    • [OPT] file meta - muzes ke kazdemu nazvu priradit uuid softlinku, pokud nebude pouzito, nebude stor nove generovat, ale pouzije tvoje

Vrati ti:

ke kazdemu souboru nazev, hash, velikost, mime, target, data uuid, symlink uuid

Previous docs


  • uuid
  • name
  • hash
  • meta.mime
  • meta.size
  • ...


  • file_uuid


  • object1.uuid

  • object2.uuid

  • link.type: (ukládat oba směry?)

    • "predecessor":
    • "successor"
    • "parent"
    • "child"
  • tags:

    • object
    • context type (app, user, domain ...)
    • context uuid (app, user, )
    • value.uuid
    • value.text

annontator will get manually by user u1 upload a contract - file 105 in version 1 (f105). annotator will tell stor to use the "industra" domain authorization context. stor will save it as object 360 (o360/ver/1). annotator can also ask stor to keep the annotator's uuid of the file a500. stor will return to annotator that

"f105": { "object": "360", "version": "1", "ext": { "uuid": "a500", "app": "annotator" }, "status": "new", "hash": "..." }

the document gets digitally signed, we get f2 => o360/ver/2.

"f105": { "object": "360", "version": "2", "ext": { "uuid": "r303", "app": "signer" }, "status": "new", "hash": "..." }

email bot will get the f105 later from u2 else who also upload f1/v1 to his glued-drive. annotator may reject queing up the doc for annotation, because stor response will be

"f105": { "object": "360", "version": "1", "ext": { "uuid": "a500", "app": "annotator" }, "status": "exists", "hash": "...", "versions": [..] }

annotator may check if a500 was already processed (because of status exists). u2 may decide to upload the contract to his glued-drive.

  • if authorization rules allow full file access to u2 on annotator/industra/*, then his glued-drive gets object o360
  • if authorization rules allow partial file access to u2 on annotator/industra/*, then his glued-drive gets object o360/v2, u2 may request full access on o360
  • if authorization rules disallow file access to u2 a new object will be generated with a new auth context.

toto je blby. s tema revizema se to bije s acl. muzeme drzet revize tak ze pokud mas prava na vse, tak pristup na stary objekt udela autoredirect na posledni. plus ti da seznam linked docs.

POST requests to the files endpoint will accept

  • [REQUIRED] file or files

  • [OPTIONAL] AUTH JWT token (users uploading directly to ) or API key

  • [OPTIONAL] file metadata

    • external service generated file uuid
    • predecessor uuid
    • change description
    • tags
    • auth context: service, collection, object
    • calculates sha hash
    • returns object uuid

Current maximum file size is capped at 8000M and 1800s execution time per nginx/php settings in

  • glued/Config/Nginx/sites-enabled/glued-stor
  • glued/Config/Nginx/snippets/locations/glued-stor.conf
  • glued/Config/Php/99-glued-stor.ini

Nginx is applied automatically.

  • TODO: make max upload filesize configurable.


curl -k -X POST https://glued/api/stor/files/v1 -F file=@/home/user/somefile.pdf
curl -k -X POST https://glued/api/stor/files/v1  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
     -F "json_data={\"login\":\"my_login\",\"password\":\"my_password\"};type=application/json" \
     -F "file=@/home/killua/Ryanair.pdf"  \
     -F "field1=fiels2"

Example configuration

Under the dgs (devicegroups) and devices keys, unique item keys must be used to avoid mishaps.

      label:      'local'
      comment:    'default devices group'
      default:    true
      label:      'networked'
      label:      'remotebak'
      label:      'datadir'
      comment:    'default/fallback filesystem storage (path is resolved automatically)'
      enabled:    true
      adapter:    'filesystem'
      version:    'latest'
      path:       ~
      dg:         eb74303a-c062-11ed-9fc5-3b799a728aee
      label:      'tmpdir'
      comment:    'temporary storage (path is resolved automatically)'
      enabled:    true
      adapter:    'filesystem'
      version:    'latest'
      dg:         ~
      path:       ~
      label:      'backup'
      comment:    'a slow backup storage'
      enabled:    true
      adapter:    filesystem
      version:    latest
      path:       '/opt/backup'
      type:       eventual
      dg:         eb74303a-c062-11ed-9fc5-3b799a728aee
      label: Minio
      comment: The local minio stuff
      enabled: false
      adapter: s3
      version: latest
      endpoint: http://localhost:9000
      region: us-east-1
      bucket: some-bucket
      access-key: access-key
      secret-key: secret-key
      path-style: true
      dg: 03f5e327-d4cc-48c9-8e00-2f4617cea3c7
      label: Nas
      comment: NAS on NFS
      enabled: false
      adapter: filesystem
      version: latest
      path: /mnt/nas
      dg: 03f5e327-d4cc-48c9-8e00-2f4617cea3c7
      label: Btrfs send over ssh (backup)
      comment: Remote btrfs on nas for snapshot send backups over ssh
      enabled: false
      adapter: btrfs-send
      filesystem: btrfs
      version: latest
      ssh: user@remote -P 2022
      dg: 5fc4f942-9c74-46e0-b375-f552f58fb158