Enhanced Rich Text Editor for Flow is an extended version of Vaadin Rich Text Editor with more functionalities like tab-stops, non-breaking space, rulers, customizing toolbar buttons and read-only sections.
Tabstops can be set in UI by clicking on horizontal ruler, on top of the editor. There are 3 tabstop possible directions: Left, Right and Middle.
- When Direction set to Left: then left side of text will be aligned to right side of tab stop (>text)
- When Direction set to Right: then right side of text will be aligned to left side of tab stop (text<)
- When Direction set to Middle: then text will be centered to tab stop (te|xt)
When you click on ruler left tabstop will appear, then if you click on left tabstop it will change to right tabstop, and if you click on right tabstop it will change to middle tabstop. It is also possible to set tabstops programmatically by using tabStops property of editor. For example:
EnhancedRichTextEditor rte = new EnhancedRichTextEditor();
List<TabStop> tabStops = new ArrayList<>();
tabStops.add(new TabStop(TabStop.Direction.LEFT, 150));
tabStops.add(new TabStop(TabStop.Direction.RIGHT, 350));
tabStops.add(new TabStop(TabStop.Direction.MIDDLE, 550));
Position of tab stop is set in pixels.
To add a non-breaking space where the caret is located, press shift+space
You can use setToolbarButtonsVisibility
to show/hide the toolbar buttons. For example, the following piece of code hides Image and Link buttons.
Map<EnhancedRichTextEditor.ToolbarButton, Boolean> buttons = new HashMap<>();
buttons.put(EnhancedRichTextEditor.ToolbarButton.IMAGE, false);
buttons.put(EnhancedRichTextEditor.ToolbarButton.LINK, false);
You can also add custom components, like Button
, ComboBox
or ToolbarSwitch
to the toolbar, using the
method. Currently the toolbar supports placement of custom components at its start, end, between
groups and in the special (legacy) "custom" slot at the end of the toolbar. The enumeration ToolbarSlot
provides a
list of potential places to add them.
ComboBox<String> presets = new ComboBox<>("", "Preset 1", "Preset 2", "Preset 3");
presets.setValue("Preset 1");
presets.setTooltipText("A (non functional) custom toolbar component, placed in the '" +
ToolbarSlot.START.getSlotName() + "' slot");
rte.addToolbarComponents(ToolbarSlot.START, presets);
Select<String> colors = new Select<>();
colors.setItems("Red", "Green", "Blue");
colors.setTooltipText("A (non functional) custom toolbar component, placed in the '" +
ToolbarSlot.BEFORE_GROUP_GLYPH_TRANSFORMATION.getSlotName() + "' slot");
rte.addToolbarComponents(ToolbarSlot.BEFORE_GROUP_GLYPH_TRANSFORMATION, colors);
To make part of text read only, select text and click lock
icon in toolbar. Now text is not editable.
To make text editable egain, select it and clicl lock
button again.
Limitations of readonly functionality:
- Readonly is not working in
block - Readonly is a inline element(like span), so it is still possible to put cursore after the area and add some text
- Readonly area can be deleted, if user put cursor after it and press backspace
- Readonly area can be styled using toolbar buttons
- Selecting multiple lines and making them readonly will create multiple Readonly areas
The following example shows how you can have readonly sections in the middle of your text.
rte.setValue("[" +
"{\"insert\":\"Some text\\n\"}," +
"{\"insert\":{\"readonly\":\"Some readonly text\\n\"}}," +
"{\"insert\":\"More text\\n\"}," +
"{\"insert\":{\"readonly\":\"More readonly text\\n\"}}]");
To enable the usage of tables in the editor, you need to add the Table Extension ↗, which is a separate addon. Follow the instructions of the extension on how to use the table functionality.
- Run from the command line
mvn install -DskipTests
- Run from the command line
mvn -pl enhanced-rich-text-editor-demo -Pwar jetty:run
- Browse