- tomitankChess 2.0 was the first full BitBoard JavaScript chess engine on the World!
- Why pure? Because it is No Emscripten (unlike stockfish-js), so the code is readable.
- Pure JavaScript ~5X slower than "C" language, and ~2.5 slower than Emscripten JavaScript.
- The Engine is running in your browser and with UCI GUI (eg: Arena) as well.
tomitankChess (with node.js) run in Arena, in WinBoard and in Cutechess as well.
Example for Arena GUI with node.js
- Command line: direct acces to node.exe (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe)
- Command line parameters: direct acces to tomitankChess.js (C:\Program Files\nodejs\tomitankChessUCI.js)
Web browser: tomitankChess runing with and without WebWorker as well. (Recommended: WebWorker)
- Input (standard UCI commands) to the engine is posted as a message to the worker. Example:
- var tomitankChess = new Worker('tomitankChess.js');
- tomitankChess.postMessage('ucinewgame');
- tomitankChess.postMessage('go depth 12');
- 5.0: ~2915 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2021.01.18/)
- 4.2: ~2830 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2020.09.24/)
- 4.0: ~2820 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2020.01.24/)
- 3.0: ~2780 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2019.01.14/)
- 2.1: ~2660 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2018.11.26/)
- 2.0: ~2660 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2018.07.11/)
- 1.5: ~2590 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2017.12.03/)
- 1.4: ~2550 elo (Strongest JavaScript Chess Engine /2017.09.30/)
- Click here to see all CCRL 40/40 results of tomitankChess
- Web: http://tanky.hu or http://mobil.tanky.hu
- Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sakk.tanky.hu
- iOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sakk-ingyenes/id1150654415?l=hu&ls=1&mt=8
Have fun with tomitankChess!
-Tamás Kuzmics