This repo is for the development of the conceptual and animation design for a creative studio website made by Alex Tkachev and Willie here. At first sight, I really admired the pageload animation and the layout of the landing page and so I decided to develop it.
- CSS3
- JavaScript/GSAP
To get the sequencing and timing right for the motion, I had to download the video to my system and watch it multiple times with a playback speed of 0.25. This is an approach I learnt from the awesome Carl. I started by creating a gsap timeline as so:
const preloaderTl = gsap.timeline();
and added all the tweens to it. This makes sure that all tweens play in succession and makes relative and absolute positioning of tween in the playhead easy. I split the counters animation (000, 037, 068, 083 & 100) into different tweens. This is well documented in the script.js file.
Below is a step by step process explaining the movement of a typical counter:
- The three numbers get translated(Y) from -150% to 0. In a staggered formation starting from the end.
- The clip path of the numbers container goes from bottom to top same time as the three numbers gets translated in 1.
- The three numbers then gets translated(Y) from 0% to 150%. In a staggered formation starting from the end.
- The clip path of the numbers container goes from top to bottom same time as the three numbers gets translated in 3.
Below is a code block showing the 037 counter animation
// 037 counter animation".counter__container2 .counter", {
y: "0",
ease: "expo.out",
stagger: {
amount: 0.1,
from: "end"
duration: 1
}, "-=.95")
preloaderTl.fromTo(".counter__container2", {
clipPath: "polygon(0 98%, 100% 98%, 100% 100%, 0 100%)",
}, {
clipPath: "polygon(0 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 1%, 0 1%)",
duration: 1.3,
ease: "expo.inOut"
}, "-=1.5")".counter__container2 .counter", {
y: "150%",
stagger: {
amount: 0.1,
from: "end"
ease: "expo.inOut",
duration: 1.2
}, )
preloaderTl.fromTo(".counter__container2", {
clipPath: "polygon(0 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0, 0 0)",
}, {
clipPath: "polygon(0 3%, 100% 2%, 100% 0, 0 0)",
duration: 1.3,
ease: "expo.inOut"
}, "-=1.3")
After the completion of the counter, the loading text gets translated(Y) by a value of 150% and logo gets scaled down to 0.25. After that, the bold text and its image gets translated(Y) from 150% to 0% and every other content on the landing page goes from an initial opacity of 0 to 1 in a staggered formation.
- LinkedIn - Uzochukwu Okafor
- Twitter - @uzoway_