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Photorealistic Rendering Engine based on Unreal Engine

danielgehrig18 edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 5 revisions

Photorealistic rendering engine based on Unreal Engine, using the UnrealCV project.


You need first to set up an UnrealCV plugin, or simply download one from the Model Zoo. We recommend to start first with the RealisticRendering model. Download it using:

cd ~/Downloads

and unzip it:


Before running the simulator, you need to launch the UnrealCV server as follows:


Please make sure that the mouse input is disabled in the window that will pop up, by hitting the ` key while the window is in focus.


Once an UnrealCV server is running, you can run the simulator as follows:

roslaunch esim_ros esim.launch config:=cfg/unrealcv.conf

To visualize the output of the simulator, you can open rviz (from a new terminal) as follows:

roscd esim_visualization
rviz -d cfg/esim.rviz

You can also open rqt for more visualizations, as follows:

roscd esim_visualization
rqt --perspective-file cfg/esim.perspective

Note that this rendering engine is very slow: rendering a one minute trajectory may take multiple hours.