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This branch is 132 commits ahead of, 1 commit behind caltechlibrary/dibs:main.


Copy of Universal Viewer version 3.1.1

This is a copy of the Universal Viewer version 3.1.1 distribution produced using the source code from the GitHub repository as it existed on 2021-04-27. The specific contents of this directory were produced using the following steps:

  1. Install npm (we used version 7; installation instructions depend on your operating system)
  2. npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Download the UV source code ZIP archive to a local directory (call it uv)
  4. cd uv
  5. unzip
  6. cd universalviewer-3.1.1
  7. npm install grunt@1.0.3 --save-dev
  8. grunt build --dist

The outcome of this process will be a subdirectory named dist, and dist will contain the files that you see here before you (minus the file that is also put in the dist directory by the build process, and which we removed because it simply contains all the same files and thus is redundant).

The Universal Viewer is released under the MIT license.