Add Twitter / Weibo style @ mentions autocomplete to your application.
- Can listen to any character
not just '@', and set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data. - Supports static data and dynamic data(via AJAX) at the same time
static data will be searched first, and then use AJAX to fetch non-existing values. - Listener events can be bound to multiple textareas
- Cacheable
- Format returned data using templates
- Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
keys select the value,Up
navigate between values
- jQuery >= 1.7.0.
Here is the Default setting.
Callback function to dynamically retrieve data based on query.
`At` will pass two arguments to the callback: `query` and `callback`.
`query` is the keyword that is being autocompleted after the character listener ('@' is the default)
`callback` should be run on the data. It accepts a string array or plain object array
'callback': null,
Enable search cache. Set to false if you want to use $.ajax cache.
'cache' : true,
Static data to use before the callback is invoked
How many items to show at a time in the results
'limit' : 5,
Item format template
`data-value` contents will be inserted to the textarea on selection
'tpl' : "<li id='${index}' data-value='${name}'>${name}</li>",
The name of the data attribute in the item template
You can change it into any name defined in attributes of `li` element which is template
'choose' : "data-value"
Bind a textarea to listen to a specific character and pass an array of data in the data
The first argument is the character you want to listen, and the second one is a map of options:
var emoji_list = [
"apple", "aquarius", "aries", "arrow_backward", "arrow_down",
"arrow_forward", "arrow_left", "arrow_lower_left", "arrow_lower_right",
"arrow_right", "arrow_up", "arrow_upper_left", "arrow_upper_right"];
This time we pass a callback function instead of the static data as the second parameter.
You can just set a function as second argument, At.js will determine it and set it to callback option.
the data - names
- would be a string array or a map array which the same as data
argument is the string behind the character you are listening as "@" in this example.
$('textarea').atWho("@",function(query,callback) {
var url = "data.json",
param = {'q':query},
$.ajax(url,param,function(data) {
names = $.parseJSON(data);
We pass a configuration object containing both the data
and callback
It will search the local static data first.
var names = ['one','two'];
'data': names,
'callback': function(query,callback) {
base template, li
element and data-value
attribute are all necessary.
We also show how to set up multiple listeners with different characters.
<li data-value='${word}'>anything here</li>
we use these static data in all examples below:
emojis = $.map(emojis,function(value,i) {
return {'id':i,'key':value+":",'name':value}
data = $.map(data,function(value,i) {
return {'id':i,'name':value,'email':value+""};
At.js will search by data-value
and the contents will be inserted to the textarea on selection
'tpl': "<li id='${id}' data-value='${name}'>${name} <small>${email}</small></li>"
tpl:"<li data-value='${key}'>${name} <img src='http://xxx/emoji/${name}.png' height='20' width='20' /></li>"
tpl: "<li id='${id}' data-value='${name}'>${name} <small>${email}</small></li>"
,callback:function(query,callback) {
var url = "data.json",
param = {'q':query},
$.ajax(url,param,function(data) {
names = $.parseJSON(data);
Alternatively, you can specific which value would be inserted by setting choose
'tpl': "<li id='${id}' data-value='${name}' data-insert='${email}'>${name} <small>${email}</small></li>"