- chore: Use SSL options when dealing with prebuilts.
- deprecation: Drop support for node < 8, electron < 1.8
- fix: fix Win32 builds
- feat: add support for Electron 5, Node 12
- hotfix: fix corrupted 0.4.3 release.
- feat: ability to build for a single platform/target.
- fix: use cmake-js fork to support Electron 4+ on Windows.
- fix: use VS C++ for Electron >= v4.
- feat: add support for Electron 4.
- fix: allow use of iohook.registerShortcut without a 3rd releaseCallback argument.
- feat: drop segfault-handler dependency.
- feat: add support for Node 10
- feat: git@github.com:wilix-team/iohook.git
- fix: fix documentation link.
- chore : repo transfered to wilix-team org.
- feat: ability to listen for when a keyboard shortcut has been released
- feat: ability to unregister a shortcut via the shortcut's keys
- feat: Bump libuiohook version
- chore: many travis build improvements
- feat: Add support for Node 10 (for real this time...)
- feat: Add support for Electron 2.0
- feat: Drop support for node < 6, electron < 1.2
- feat: Add modifier keys support
- feat: Add online documentation
- feat: Add tests (reverted for now)
- feat: Add support for Electron 2.0
- feat: Add support for NodeJS 10.x
- deprecation: Drop support for Linux ia32 (like NodeJS itself)
- feat: Bump libiohook to version 1.1