A command-line utility for publishing new release on 4pda.
Command to print usage information.
dart bin/main.dart --help
A command-line utility for publishing new release on 4pda.
-P, --pass-hash "pass_hash" cookie header.
-M, --member-id "member_id" cookie header.
-T, --topic-id "topic_id" of topic where to post.
-C, --directory Directory from which to take files.
-E, --dir-files-ext Directory files filter by extension. Example:
--dir-files-ext apk
Only works with --directory option.
-F, --files Another approach to --directory with --dir-files-ext.
Uses only if --directory option doesn't exist.
Relative or absolute path to file to attach.
For multiple files:
--files a,b
--files a --files b
allowed ext.: apk, apks, exe, zip, rar, obb, 7z, r00, r0
max files size: 192Mb
-V, --version-in-post What to paste in "version" field in the post
-S, --short-description What to paste in "short description" field in post
-D, --description What to paste in "description" field in post
-N, --package-name If you want to rename your files in style:
package-name + "." + version-in-post + "_" + arch (if .apk) + file-extension
If there is no arch in original filename pastes "arm7" by default.
Example result: "flibusta.0.6.5_arm7.apk"
-h, --help Print this usage information.