Demo stackblitz using @storybook/html-vite@7.0.7
with FAST design component packages:
"@microsoft/fast-element": "2.0.0-beta.23",
"@microsoft/fast-foundation": "3.0.0-alpha.27",
"@microsoft/fast-react-wrapper": "1.0.0-alpha.7",
"@microsoft/fast-web-utilities": "^6.0.0"
npm run serve:build
and visit:
- Difficulty installing Storybook
npx sb init
• Detecting project type. ✓
Detected Vite project. Setting builder to Vite
We couldn't detect your project type. (code: UNDETECTED)
You can specify a project type explicitly via `sb init --type <type>`, see our docs on how to configure Storybook for your framework:
✔ Do you want to manually choose a Storybook project type to install? … yes
✔ Please choose a project type from the following list: › html
Detected Vite project. Setting builder to Vite
• Adding Storybook support to your "HTML" app
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
ERR!: Unknown command `info`
Try this: turbo --help
- Slotted components must be included in story template per story, so as a result the user cannot easily swap out slotted templates.