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Joseph Postma edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 11 revisions


Provides query access to the Gaia Data Release 3 Archive (GaiaDR3), for downloading catalogue regions given an RA, DEC, and field scale and size, etc. Used by WCSAutoSolver.

##Usage Example

FITSImage fimg = new FITSImage("C:\\Users\\Joseph E Postma\\Desktop\\median tonny\\MU", null, true, true, true, true);

//you have to know if your RA & DEC keywords are in format, or sexagesimal. AstraCarta needs, these images are sexagesimal string sra = fimg.Header.GetKeyValue("RA"); string sdec = fimg.Header.GetKeyValue("DEC"); WorldCoordinateSolution.SexagesimalElementsToDegreeElements(sra, sdec, "", out double dra, out double ddec);

//populate the optional arguments for AstraCarta query ArrayList args = new ArrayList();//only need a single list with argument values AFTER the argument switch. Booleans don’t need a value and their presence indicates true. keys.Add("-fitsout");//need a fits binary table for WCS solver keys.Add("-overwrite");//overwrite existing files instead of appending eys.Add(“-buffer”);//just for demo keys.Add(2);//enlarge the query region by 2 arcminutes around the nominal image field

string fullcataloguepath = AstraCarta.Query(ra, dec, 1.8, fimg.Width, fimg.Height, keys);//calls GaiaDR3 online //keys is optional and can be left out entirely if no options needed



FITSBinTable(string extensionName); Create an empty FITSBinTable object. TTYPE entries may be added later via SetTTYPEEntries or AddTTYPEEntry. An extension name must be provided.

FITSBinTable(String^ fileName, String^ extensionName); Create a FITSBinTable object from an existing file and extension. If an empty string is passed as extensionName the first nameless extension will be found, if one exists.


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