A .NET 8 Webview Application for Windows and Linux similar to Electron. It uses a functional builder pattern to set up the application. To communicate between the .NET application and the web app there is a Javascript request interface. The web site can be hosted as .NET resource, of course alternatively via HTTP(s):// or file://.
WebWindowNetCore > version 11.0.0 is redesigned and has dropped included HTTP Server
WebViewNetCore.Linux and WebViewNetCore.Windows are now obsolete!
WebWindowNetCore includes following features:
- Is built on .NET 8
- Functional approach with a builder pattern
- (almost) the same setup for Windows and Linux version
- Uses WebView2 on Windows and WebKitGtk-6.0 on Linux
- Can serve the web site via .NET resources (single file approach)
- Optional save and restore of window bounds
- Has an integrated event sink mechanismen, so you can retrieve javascript events from the .NET app
- Has an integrated Javascript WebView interface to serve requests from javascript to .NET app
- You can expand the Gtk Window (on Linux) with a custom header bar
- You can alternatively disable the Windows titlebar and borders, and you can build a title bar in HTML with standard Windows logic for closing, maximizing, restoring resizing, snap to dock, ...
Functional approach with webview builder:
new WebView()
.InitialBounds(1200, 800)
.Title("Web Window Net Core 👍")
.AddRequest<Input, Contact>("cmd1", GetContact)
.AddRequest<Input2, Contact2>("cmd2", GetContact2)
.CanClose(() => true)
.OnStarted(action => action.ExecuteJavascript ("console.log('app started now ')"))
For further description and tutorial see WebWindowNetCore description