Steps to add vrouter flow_aging parameters using API
Get UUID from the below command, say GLOBAL_UUID.
curl http://<controller-ip>:8082/global-vrouter-configs | python -mjson.tool
Create the payload file(globaltemp.json), example for ICMP with timeout 180seconds
"global-vrouter-config": {
"flow_aging_timeout_list": {
"flow_aging_timeout": [
"port": 0,
"protocol": "icmp",
"timeout_in_seconds": 180
"uuid": "GLOBAL_UUID"
Do a PUT operation, as below command
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d @globaltemp.json \
Check if its updated, using below command
curl http://<controller-ip>:8082/global-vrouter-config/<GLOBAL_UUID> | python -mjson.tool
Create the payload file(globalnull.json), to remove all protocols
"global-vrouter-config": {
"flow_aging_timeout_list": null,
"uuid": "GLOBAL_UUID"
Do a PUT operation, as below command
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -d @globalnull.json \