Tags: upb-lea/transistordatabase
- Documentation pipeline issue [0.5.1]: 0.5.0...0.5.1 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- Non-linear capacitance file export for GeckoCIRCUITS - Introduction of database manager. See the template_example.py for API changes. - Fix some GUI data does not accept float or negative values - Fix reading GUI graph_r_e curves - API has changed according to the introduction of the database manager. See the template_example.py for API changes. [0.5.0]: 0.4.1...0.5.0 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- NEW: Graphical User Interface: Download exe-file, - or run the file… … "gui.py" within the directory ".../transistordatabase/transistordatabase/gui" to start the GUI - #82: update_from_fileexchange() leads to failure in case of no internet connection - #84: Process is still running when closing main window - #85: Ignore missing-data messages at GUI startup - #87: Database not visible in exe-file [0.4.0]: 0.3.3...0.4.0 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- do not re-assign r_th and c_th values when loading/creating a trans… …istor object (do not run calc_thermal_params()) - Workaround for brocken export_datasheet(): temporary only html-files available instead of pdf-files [0.3.3]: 0.3.2...0.3.3 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- Add Rohm to manufacturer list - Method 'print_TDB()' changes to 'print_tdb()' - export_dataheet() can handle with measurement data [0.3.2]: 0.3.1...0.3.2 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- #68: Improved user warning in case of no mongodb installed - #70: Save .json-files in multiple lines, to avoid that a small change is very difficult to see in version control - #71, #72: fix get_object_i/r_e_simplified [0.3.1]: 0.3.0...0.3.1 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- NEW: Option to add own measurements to the database - Add function export_all_datasheets() - #61: Add Keys to add R_DS,ON vs. junction temperature - #62: Add Keys for Gate Charge Curve - #63: Add Keys for Safe-Operating-Area - #59: simplify the usage of tdb.load('transistorname') instead of tdb.load({'name': 'transistorname'}) - #51: Mutable List in export_plecs - #58: Fix some units displayed in virtual datasheet - #66: Cannot get the corresponding datasheet according to the procedures in the tutorial - #67: Problem when exporting all transistors from the database to virtual datasheet Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- Helper function 'collect_i_e_and_r_e_combination' to find and assoc… …iate i_e and r_e based SwitchEnergyData objects for usage in gecko exporter - Helper function 'check_keys' to validate the arguments provided to gecko exporter - constants.py: dictates the default gate voltages for switch and diodes types based on the module type - #50: Introduce new transitsor keys: r_g_on_recommended and r_g_off_recommended - Docstrings - updated calc_thermal_params function to normalize the limit selections for curve fitting - update to module manufacturers list and housing type list - #27: Update gecko exporter according to latest working - remodelled gecko exporter with added feature to find the nearest neighbours to the given v_supply, v_g, r_g if the exact curves doestn't exists - remodelled gecko exporter with added feature to re-estimate the loss curves at given gate resistor - Added case to handle gecko exporter request to find nearest neighbours in find_next_gate_voltage method - update find_next_gate_voltage method to include the check_specific_curves parameter which now skips the curves while finding out nearest neighbours - fix #48: export_datasheet fails when exporting a SiC-MOSFET - fix #49: Print housing_list and manufacturer_list in case of not maching housings/manufacturers when creating a transistor Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit
- #37: Function to calculate thermal parameters from given thermal curve - scipy curve fitting method is utilized to extract thermal parameters - Docstrings - added calc_thermal_params function call to init block of transistor object to calculate the missing thermal parameters - #19: Problems in Windows when removing cloned repo [0.2.13]: 0.2.12...0.2.13 Release created with GPGit 1.5.0 https://github.com/NicoHood/gpgit