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Releases: uoftcprg/pokerkit


24 Apr 16:37
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This version release introduces a number of backward incompatible changes. Please read the below content carefully!

Summary of changes

  • Minor cleanup that may break older code.

  • Option to choose cash-game vs. tournament (default) mode (defaults to tournament mode).

    • Unlike in tourneys, in cash-games, players can select the number of runouts during all-in situations or opt to not show their hand after an all-in.
  • Option to choose the number of runouts during all-in situations (disabled in tournament mode).

    • In theory, people choose number of runouts before they show their hands. But, this isn't always followed. It is also unclear who must select the number of runouts first. As such, after all-in, when showdown takes place,
  • Multi-board games.

  • More degree of freedom in hole dealing/showdown order.

  • Docstring and documentation overhaul.


  • The parameters divmod, and rake for relevant poker game/state initialization methods are now keyword-only arguments. Before, one could supply them as positional arguments but this is no longer allowed!

  • pokerkit.state.State.board_cards (previously list[Card]) is now of type list[list[Card]].

    • For example, if an all-in happens on the flop (AsKsQs) and is run twice (JsTs, JhTh), state.board_cards == [[As], [Ks], [Qs], [Js, Jh], [Ts, Th]]. Or, when double board omaha is played, something like state.board_cards == [[??, ??], [??, ??], [??, ??]] will develop after the flop.
    • The function signatures for pokerkit.state.State.get_hand, pokerkit.state.State.get_up_hand, and pokerkit.state.State.get_up_hands now also requires the board_index to be supplied.
    • The properties/method pokerkit.state.State.reserved_cards, pokerkit.state.State.cards_in_play, pokerkit.state.State.cards_not_in_play, and pokerkit.state.State.get_dealable_cards(deal_count: int) now return Iterator[Card] instead of tuple[Card, ...].
    • The method triplets for the hole dealing and showdown operation pokerkit.state.State.verify_hole_dealing(), pokerkit.state.State.can_deal_hole(), pokerkit.state.State.deal_hole(), pokerkit.state.State.verify_hole_cards_showing_or_mucking(), pokerkit.state.State.can_show_or_muck_hole_cards(), and pokerkit.state.State.show_or_muck_hole_cards() also accepts an optional positional argument player_index to control the dealee, or the showdown performer. The verifiers also returns a player dealt if the dealee is not specified.
  • The card-burning-related methods pokerkit.state.State.verify_card_burning, pokerkit.state.State.can_burn_card, and pokerkit.state.State.burn_card also accept a singleton card iterable.

  • The pokerkit.state.State.all_in_show_status was renamed to pokerkit.state.State.all_in_status.

  • Renamed pokerkit.state.ChipsPushing.rake to pokerkit.state.ChipsPushing.raked_amount.

  • The attribute pokerkit.state.Pot.amount is now a property and no longer a parameter during initialization.


  • New enum class pokerkit.state.State.Mode for setting tournament/cash-game mode while initializing poker states.

    • Tournament mode: pokerkit.state.Mode.TOURNAMENT

    • Cash-game mode: pokerkit.state.Mode.CASH_GAME

      • In all-in situations, players have a chance to choose the number of runouts during showdown.
  • New parameter mode in relevant poker game/state initialization methods. It defaults to tournament mode.

  • New parameter starting_board_count in relevant poker game/state initialization methods. It defaults to 1. This allow multiple boards to be dealt if wished.

  • New automation pokerkit.state.State.Automation.RUNOUT_COUNT_SELECTION which instructs PokerKit to carry out only one run-out.

  • New pokerkit.state.RunoutCountSelection operation.

    • Arguments: runout_count and player_index who gives out the selection.
    • Querier: pokerkit.state.State.can_select_runout_count(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None).
    • Validator: pokerkit.state.State.verify_runout_count_selection(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None).
    • Operator: pokerkit.state.State.select_runout_count(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None, *, commentary: str | None = None).
    • People who can select run count: pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selector_indices.
    • If runout_count are in disagreement among active players, only 1 runout is performed.
    • When multiple runs are selected, the state will be incompatible with the PHH file format, as it stands.
  • New attributes pokerkit.state.State.street_return_index and pokerkit.state.State.street_return_count that internally keeps track what street to return to and how many times to do so during multiple runouts.

  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count that shows the players' preferences on the number of runouts. It maybe None in which case the runout selection was skipped due to the state being of tournament mode or all players showed no preference by passing in None (or leaving empty) for the runout_count argument during the corresponding method call of pokerkit.state.select_runout_count().

  • New attributes pokerkit.state.State.board_count and pokerkit.state.State.board_indices on the number of boards and the range of its indices. The number of boards is at least 1 but may be more due to multiple runouts or the variant being played.

  • New method pokerkit.state.State.get_board_cards(board_index: int) on getting the board_index'th board.

    • The maximum number of boards is either equal to the number of boards of the variant or (in case of multiple runouts) the product of it and the number of runouts.
  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selector_statuses that keeps track of who can select the number of runouts.

  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selection_flag that keeps track of whether the runout count selection has been carried out.

  • In pokerkit.utilities.rake, added parameters state, cap, and no_flop_no_drop, and rake is now renamed as percentage and is a keyword parameter.

  • New attributes pokerkit.state.Pot.raked_amount and pokerkit.state.Pot.unraked_amount that gives the raked and the unraked amounts of the pot.

  • New property pokerkit.state.ChipsPushing.unraked_amount.


24 Apr 10:34
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This version release introduces a number of backward incompatible changes. Please read the below content carefully!

Summary of changes

  • Minor cleanup that may break older code.

  • Option to choose cash-game vs. tournament (default) mode (defaults to tournament mode).

    • Unlike in tourneys, in cash-games, players can select the number of runouts during all-in situations or opt to not show their hand after an all-in.
  • Option to choose the number of runouts during all-in situations (disabled in tournament mode).

    • In theory, people choose number of runouts before they show their hands. But, this isn't always followed. It is also unclear who must select the number of runouts first. As such, after all-in, when showdown takes place,
  • Multi-board games.

  • More degree of freedom in hole dealing/showdown order.

  • Docstring and documentation overhaul.


  • The parameters divmod, and rake for relevant poker game/state initialization methods are now keyword-only arguments. Before, one could supply them as positional arguments but this is no longer allowed!

  • pokerkit.state.State.board_cards (previously list[Card]) is now of type list[list[Card]].

    • For example, if an all-in happens on the flop (AsKsQs) and is run twice (JsTs, JhTh), state.board_cards == [[As], [Ks], [Qs], [Js, Jh], [Ts, Th]]. Or, when double board omaha is played, something like state.board_cards == [[??, ??], [??, ??], [??, ??]] will develop after the flop.
    • The function signatures for pokerkit.state.State.get_hand, pokerkit.state.State.get_up_hand, and pokerkit.state.State.get_up_hands now also requires the board_index to be supplied.
    • The properties/method pokerkit.state.State.reserved_cards, pokerkit.state.State.cards_in_play, pokerkit.state.State.cards_not_in_play, and pokerkit.state.State.get_dealable_cards(deal_count: int) now return Iterator[Card] instead of tuple[Card, ...].
    • The method triplets for the hole dealing and showdown operation pokerkit.state.State.verify_hole_dealing(), pokerkit.state.State.can_deal_hole(), pokerkit.state.State.deal_hole(), pokerkit.state.State.verify_hole_cards_showing_or_mucking(), pokerkit.state.State.can_show_or_muck_hole_cards(), and pokerkit.state.State.show_or_muck_hole_cards() also accepts an optional positional argument player_index to control the dealee, or the showdown performer. The verifiers also returns a player dealt if the dealee is not specified.
  • The card-burning-related methods pokerkit.state.State.verify_card_burning, pokerkit.state.State.can_burn_card, and pokerkit.state.State.burn_card also accept a singleton card iterable.

  • The pokerkit.state.State.all_in_show_status was renamed to pokerkit.state.State.all_in_status.


  • New enum class pokerkit.state.State.Mode for setting tournament/cash-game mode while initializing poker states.

    • Tournament mode: pokerkit.state.Mode.TOURNAMENT

    • Cash-game mode: pokerkit.state.Mode.CASH_GAME

      • In all-in situations, players have a chance to choose the number of runouts during showdown.
  • New parameter mode in relevant poker game/state initialization methods. It defaults to tournament mode.

  • New parameter starting_board_count in relevant poker game/state initialization methods. It defaults to 1. This allow multiple boards to be dealt if wished.

  • New automation pokerkit.state.State.Automation.RUNOUT_COUNT_SELECTION which instructs PokerKit to carry out only one run-out.

  • New pokerkit.state.RunoutCountSelection operation.

    • Arguments: runout_count and player_index who gives out the selection.
    • Querier: pokerkit.state.State.can_select_runout_count(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None).
    • Validator: pokerkit.state.State.verify_runout_count_selection(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None).
    • Operator: pokerkit.state.State.select_runout_count(player_index: int | None = None, runout_count: int | None = None, *, commentary: str | None = None).
    • People who can select run count: pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selector_indices.
    • If runout_count are in disagreement among active players, only 1 runout is performed.
    • When multiple runs are selected, the state will be incompatible with the PHH file format, as it stands.
  • New attributes pokerkit.state.State.street_return_index and pokerkit.state.State.street_return_count that internally keeps track what street to return to and how many times to do so during multiple runouts.

  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count that shows the players' preferences on the number of runouts. It maybe None in which case the runout selection was skipped due to the state being of tournament mode or all players showed no preference by passing in None (or leaving empty) for the runout_count argument during the corresponding method call of pokerkit.state.select_runout_count().

  • New attributes pokerkit.state.State.board_count and pokerkit.state.State.board_indices on the number of boards and the range of its indices. The number of boards is at least 1 but may be more due to multiple runouts or the variant being played.

  • New method pokerkit.state.State.get_board_cards(board_index: int) on getting the board_index'th board.

    • The maximum number of boards is either equal to the number of boards of the variant or (in case of multiple runouts) the product of it and the number of runouts.
  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selector_statuses that keeps track of who can select the number of runouts.

  • New attribute pokerkit.state.State.runout_count_selection_flag that keeps track of whether the runout count selection has been carried out.


09 Apr 09:23
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  • Make error/warning messages more descriptive.


  • Censored hole cards pokerkit.state.State.get_censored_hole_cards().
  • Turn index pokerkit.state.State.turn_index.


05 Apr 08:48
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  • Restore action notation pn sm - for showing hole cards.


29 Mar 09:32
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  • Raise error for ACPC protocol converter when hole cards unknown.
  • PHH to Pluribus protocol converter.


26 Mar 15:57
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  • Analysis module

    • Range parser pokerkit.analysis.parse_range (e.g. "AKs,T8o-KJo,6h5h,A2+").
    • Equity calculator pokerkit.analysis.calculate_equities.
    • Hand strength calculator pokerkit.analysis.calculate_hand_strength.
    • Player statistics pokerkit.analysis.Statistics.


25 Mar 16:57
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  • Renamed pokerkit.state.State.all_in_show_status to pokerkit.state.State.all_in_status.


  • pokerkit.state.State.reserved_cards
  • pokerkit.state.State.cards_in_play
  • pokerkit.state.State.cards_not_in_play


25 Mar 16:54
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  • Remove non-compliant action notation pn sm - for showing hole cards.


  • Commentary for state actions.
  • User-defined field support for PHH.
  • PHH to ACPC protocol converter


20 Mar 23:03
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  • Deuce-to-seven badugi hand lookup/evaluator.


11 Feb 09:42
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  • pokerkit.state.State.pot_amounts for iterating through main/side pot amounts.


  • Forbid showdown without specifying cards if unknown hole cards are dealt.