Hello π
I am Mykhailo, Fullstack Web Developer + (a little bit UI/UX designer & DevOps Engineer) from Ukraine. Have more than 3 years of studying and 9+ months of commercial development experience. Speak on Ukrainian / russian fluently, English at B1+ level.
- fkw-popup - React Popup component written on Typescript. Compatible with Next & Vite!
- fkw-menu - React menu (dropdown) component written on Typescript. Compatible with Next & Vite!
- fkw-accordion - React accordion typescript component. Compatible with nextjs & vite!
- yee-ts - Npm package that implements Xiaomi Yeelight device API. Include discovering by local SSDP. Tested by Jest
nekomi.club - Online anime cinema built with NextJS and express fro API
These sites mostly built with Gulp and presented only as study experience
- ABRouter - Landing page, 2023
- Berryland - E-commerce, 2022
- Dietolog Online - Landing page, 2022
- JS
- TS
- Python (Basic knowledge)
- Gulp, Webpack
- React, NextJS, Vite
- Redux
- Websockets
- Tailwind
- SSO authorization
- NodeJS
- Express
- Websockets
- Telegram bots
- Puppeteer (Web parsing)
- TCP/UDP sockets
- JWT, session, cookie & SSO authorization
- Jest / Supertest (express)
- MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- Linux / Ubuntu
- NGINX (Basic knowledge), Cloudflare DNS
- Docker
- Figma
- Git, Github