offers an lwrp
for setting up UCNeXt.
CentOS 6.x, for now.
Instantiate a ucnext instance with this resource. Note the defaults are commented.
ucnext 'default' do
# repo ''
# revision '1.0.36'
# port 3000
# run_user 'ucnext' # wont add to group unless default
# run_group 'ucnext'
# db_host ''
# db_port 3306
# db_name 'next' # set to name attr?
# db_user 'next'
# db_password 'tsktsk'
# es_host ''
# es_port 9200
# es_index 'next'
deploy_path '/var/next'
# bundler_path nil
# rails_env 'production'
secret 'cookiesecretusesomethingrandom'
# action :create
Author:: Steve Nolen (