fix(ceremony): save changes #2990
Garnix CI / package docs [aarch64-linux]
Sep 20, 2024 in 1m 18s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
11:43:27 [WARN] [vite]
(!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
- Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
- Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking:
- Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
11:43:27 [vite] ✓ built in 16.98s
generating static routes
11:43:27 λ src/pages/robots.txt.ts
11:43:27 └─ /robots.txt (+11ms)
11:43:27 ▶ @astrojs/starlight/routes/static/index.astro
11:43:27 ├─ /architecture/cometbls/index.html (+42ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /architecture/galois/index.html (+16ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /architecture/voyager/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /concepts/bls-signatures/index.html (+16ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /concepts/conditional-light-clients/index.html (+15ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /concepts/consensus-verification/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /concepts/ibc/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /index.html (+16ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/docker-compose/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/getting-started/index.html (+41ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/kubernetes/index.html (+14ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/nixos/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/node-configuration/index.html (+11ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /infrastructure/node-operators/requirements/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:27 ├─ /integrations/api/graphql/index.html (+14ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /integrations/cometbft/adding-sdks/index.html (+10ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /integrations/cometbft/connecting-a-cometbft-chain/index.html (+13ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /integrations/cometbft/opening-connection/index.html (+10ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /integrations/getting-started/index.html (+10ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /integrations/typescript/index.html (+45ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/creating-validators/index.html (+20ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/faq/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/getting-started/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/getting-tokens/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/obtaining-uniond/index.html (+27ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/state-sync/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/unionvisor/index.html (+29ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/unjailing/index.html (+8ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /joining-testnet/upgrade-history/index.html (+8ms)
11:43:28 ├─ /reference/graphql/index.html (+12ms)
11:43:28 └─ /terminal/index.html (+9ms)
11:43:28 ▶ @astrojs/starlight/routes/static/404.astro
11:43:28 └─ /404.html (+4ms)
11:43:28 ▶ /logo
11:43:28 └─ /logo/index.html (+1ms)
11:43:28 ✓ Completed in 585ms.
Running Pagefind v1.1.1 (Extended)
Running from: "/build/docs/node_modules/@astrojs/starlight"
Source: "../../../dist"
Output: "../../../dist/pagefind"
[Walking source directory]
Found 33 files matching **/*.{html}
[Parsing files]
Found a data-pagefind-body element on the site.
↳ Ignoring pages without this tag.
1 page found without an <html> element.
Pages without an outer <html> element will not be processed by default.
If adding this element is not possible, use the root selector config to target a different root element.
[Reading languages]
Discovered 1 language: en
[Building search indexes]
Indexed 1 language
Indexed 30 pages
Indexed 2008 words
Indexed 0 filters
Indexed 0 sorts
Finished in 0.202 seconds
validating links
11:43:29 ✓ All internal links are valid.
11:43:29 [@astrojs/sitemap] `sitemap-index.xml` created at `dist`
11:43:29 [build] 32 page(s) built in 25.69s
11:43:29 [build] Complete!
Finished npmBuildHook
buildPhase completed in 30 seconds
Running phase: glibPreInstallPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"glibPreInstallPhase"}
Running phase: glibPreInstallPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"glibPreInstallPhase"}
Running phase: installPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"installPhase"}
Running phase: glibPreFixupPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"glibPreFixupPhase"}
Running phase: glibPreFixupPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"glibPreFixupPhase"}
Running phase: fixupPhase
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"fixupPhase"}
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/c52q874x1x4897416lkrr98n694sd9pw-docs-0.0.1
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/c52q874x1x4897416lkrr98n694sd9pw-docs-0.0.1...
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/c52q874x1x4897416lkrr98n694sd9pw-docs-0.0.1