Universe styles as a Semantic-UI theme.
Check it out live!
This repo is an ongoing Milkyway implementation using Semantic UI, to be used with this framework's official react integration.
We need a UI system that should be:
- Consumable: a component library should have a high quality developer experience. Good documentation. How to add to a project. How to change. Contributions should be encouraged. Should use CI tools.
- Targeted towards next generation interfaces. Fan and Host should be the consumers, plus a (future) refactored Juno. It should use high quality tools.
- Generic. It should tend towards high-quality, generic components instead of very specific complex ones.
- Translation-free. We should avoid "default text". Optional items for text are okay - but they have to be provided by the consumer, not the component itself.
- High performance. It should be extremely selective about its dependencies, components should small, fast.
- High quality. Should be aware of/support a11y concerns, should adopt Milkyway, should have well-defined data layers (ex. props). Should have high test coverage. Should support mobile constraints.
nvm exec yarn add semantic-ui-react@0.86.0
nvm exec npm install --save semantic-ui-react@0.86.0
nvm exec yarn add git+ssh://git@github.com/uniiverse/milkyway.git#vx.x.x
nvm exec npm install --save git+ssh://git@github.com/uniiverse/milkyway.git#vx.x.x
Just replace the x.x.x
notation with your target version.
You can checkout the sample
folder for a working installation, but it's really nothing more than importing the css and use the components.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
// We use components from semantic-ui-react...
import { Button, Container } from 'semantic-ui-react';
//... and we style them with our theme!
import 'milkyway/semantic.min.css';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Container fluid >
<Button primary>I am a Milkyway Button!</Button>
export default App;
If your project relies on a custom webpack installation (not managed by something like create-react-app), you need to specify the folder containing the style to your css processor.
Something like this will do:
// This is an example webpack integration, you mileage may vary
test: /\.css$/,
include: [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/milkyway'),
use: [
{ loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: false, importLoaders: 1 } },
If you are experiencing an issue with Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component
. Please read through the link here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57455200/cant-use-hooks-with-my-react-component-library-invariant-violation-invalid-hoo?answertab=active#tab-top. Basically, you need to ensure that react is loaded only once, which can be done as follows:
resolve: {
alias: {
// Needed when library is linked via `npm link` to app
react: path.resolve("./node_modules/react")
Contributions are more than welcome: every step counts in having a unified UI for our users.
First thing, read the semantic docs, but specifically the theming one, which can explain about file hierarchy, css overrides and relevant examples.
Here's a look at some interesting folders and files in these repo:
├── semantic/
│ └── src/
│ ├── definitions/
│ └── themes/
│ └── universe/
│ ├── assets
│ ├── collections
│ ├── elements
│ ├── globals
│ │ ├── site.overrides
│ │ └── site.variables
│ ├── modules
│ └── views
├── stories/
├── sample/
└── semantic.json
semantic.json: contains setup for this semantic install, including which component to include in the final build.
semantic/: full semantic ui framework install
semantic/src/theme.config: choose which theme to apply to components. REMEMBER TO EDIT THIS FILE WHEN STYLING A NEW COMPONENT!
semantic/src/themes/universe: our main code folder. Place your styles here, placing and naming your files as you find them in the default theme directory.
semantic/src/themes/universe/globals/site.*: these files contain global less variables, such as color codes, sizes and default values. Check them first!
stories/: use storybook to provide samples, for fast prototyping, ui/ux testing and development. Always add relevant stories for new styles and components.
sample/: a basic create-react-app to demonstrate how an integration with this project works.
A couple of commands to get you started. Clone the repo, navigate to it's folder, then:
# Install dependencies!
nvm exec npm install
# This will start the semantic build system, watching for changes
nvm exec npm run watch
# This will run a local storybook, if you need it for development. Run this in another terminal:
nvm exec npm run storybook
Now, to start styling: find an element you need to style by locating the .less
file within Semantic's definitions
- Create a
file within the right component type folder. - Edit the
file to instruct semantic to use the universe version of that component. - Write a new story and use it to see how your style is going!
cd ../milkyway
yarn link
yarn build
cd ../host
yarn link milkyway
make install
make run
Once you have your code in the master branch, stop your build system and storybook processes, git stash to clean your working directory, then simply run:
nvm exec yarn version --new-version x.x.x
nvm exec npm version x.x.x
Make sure to follow semantic versioning.
- Head to https://fontello.com/
- click on the wrench icon and click on Import.
- Select
from the finder. - Make changes and download the new font.
- Update the content of
directory with the zipped folder content. - Update
file with the new icons. - Update base64 strings in
- Add/Remove/Update icon in
. - Restart storybook in order to load the new font.
This is still an ongoing effort, and there are many questions still unanswered.
The best way to move forward is to have as many components correctly styled in the smallest time frame possible.
A quick look at the semantic/src/theme.config
file can give you a list of components that have at least some styling and the ones that are still default.
Here's some of the basic components and the progress so far:
- Move our build system to webpack
- Buttons
- Primary
- Primary inverted
- Secondary
- Secondary inverted
- Tertiary
- Groups
- Sizes (tiny, medium, massive...)
- Mobile
- Card
- Checkbox
- Toggle
- Container / Layout
- Dropdown
- Default
- Images
- Search
- Multiple
- Form
- Grid
- Header
- Icon (still need an automated font generation process)
- Image
- Input
- Message
- Menu / Navbar
- Modal
- Pagination
- Progress
- Success
- Search
- Segment (Placeholders)
- Step
- DatePicker
- StyledDatePicker