# Clone the repository from GitHub
git clone git@github.com:ungdev/gala.utt.fr.git
# or
git clone https://github.com/ungdev/gala.utt.fr.git
# Go inside the repository
cd gala.utt.fr
# Download and install the dependencies
# Create your env file (.env) from the template (.env.example)
# And edit your variables in .env, that will not be pushed
cp .env.example .env
yarn dev # launch development server
yarn build # build production server
yarn start # launch production server
yarn prettify # prettify the source code
├── public/ # public assets that will be served directly (should not be used for fonts, images nor css)
├── src/ # base directory
│ ├── assets/ # assets (eg. fonts, images, css)
│ ├── components/ # widely used components
│ │ └── header/
│ ├── containers/ # pages that handle routes
│ │ └── home/
| │ └── components/ # components used by this container only
│ ├── app.tsx # describe the app and the routes
│ ├── index.scss # sass script, turned into common css by vite
│ ├── index.tsx # entry point
│ └── serviceWorker.ts # generated file for PWA
├── .editorconfig # define editor options
└── .env # environment variables