Roboto is not maintained anymore and not online since many years.
- French
- English
- Spanish
- !game
- !ui
- !si
- !vote
- !discoboom
- @lang
- @ban
- @kick
The bot include 3 games:
- rock paper scissors
- rock paper scissors: Battle Royale
- Connect 4
The game knowed by everyone is available on Discord. You say in any channel !game pfc the bot create a game instance for your party
- You have 3 choices Rock, Paper and Scissors
- You select your choice in message in bot's dm and when your friend select his choise too you can see the result
- Rock beat Scissors, Paper beat Rock and Scissors beat Paper
It's a battle royale mode of RPS. You can start an instence from 2 players to 100 players You have 1 round to beat your enemy, when you won a round, Roboto select for you another player to beat.
Objective: The goal for both players is to make a straight line of four own pieces; the line can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
- Werewolf
- Hangman
- Random event (if Roboto listens more than 100 servers, the principle is to ensure that players from different servers can play together in a good mood)
Usage: !ui [optional arg]
Get user info, the user must be in the server where the command is executed. This command will get some basic info:
- join date on the server
- register date on discord
- user status
- where is the user is connected
Usage: !si
The command will get basic server information.
Usage: !vote [param]
Create a poll (unmonitored by Roboto), param
field in command is used when the poll creation process has been started.
Usage: !discoboom [sub-command] [sub-command argument]
Turn on DiscoBoom mode on Roboto, join you music vc and type !discoboom play <replace with your url>
Usage: @lang <lang code>
Exemple to enable french on your server: @lang fr_FR
Available language:
- English (en_US)
- French (fr_FR)
- Spanish (es_ES)
Usage: @ban <user mention tag> <reason>
The command will ban the mentionned user.
The reason is displayed to the banned user in DM and the reason will be displayed in ban reason in your discord server settings.
Usage: @kick <user mention tag> <reason>
The command will kick the mentionned user.
The reason is displayed to the kicked user in DM and the reason will be displayed in kick reason in your discord server settings.
- Slash based command (ex: !discoboom -> /discoboom)