Simple demo to exercise ImageKit's ImageBrowserView
While it is largely unrecognizable from the source, this code was inspired by and modeled after step 1 of Apple's ImageKit Demo.
This demo illustrates:
- IKImageBrowserView.
- IKImageBrowserDataSource.
- IKImageBrowserItem.
- Drag and drop support.
- Drag images (or PDFs, etc) around the browser view to re-organize.
- Enter search text to filter the images displayed.
- Add images with a file browser.
- Drag and drop images from Finder, iPhoto, etc.
- Load images from files, folders, or urls.
- Dragging a folder will add all files in that folder.
- Events for double click, right click etc. are wired up, but only print notices to the console.
Ported to Xamarin.Mac by Regan Sarwas.