docker image build --build-arg MAPPING_CORE_TAG=master --build-arg MAPPING_NATURE40_TAG=master --build-arg MAPPING_R_TAG=master --build-arg WAVE_TAG=master -t vat-nature40:0.1 .
Example command that uses 10 threads for mapping and mounts the gdal:
docker container run --detach --name vat-nature40 --publish 7777:80 --env MAPPING_fcgi={threads=10} -v /host/path:/app/data/gdal vat-nature40:0.1
Volume | Description |
/app/data/gdal | Folder for gdal data set descriptions as JSON files |
/app/data/ogr | Folder for ogr data set descriptions as JSON files |
/app/data/userdb | Folder where the userdb.sqlite is stored |
--env MAPPING_fcgi={threads=10}
- run docker with mounted volumes
docker container run --detach --name vat-nature40 --publish 7777:80 -v `pwd`/gdal:/app/data/gdal -v `pwd`/userdb:/app/data/userdb vat-nature40:0.1
- copy data description to volume
- data has to be accessible by docker and specified as
- data has to be accessible by docker and specified as
- add permission:
sqlite3 -line userdb/userdb.sqlite 'INSERT INTO group_permissions VALUES (1, "data.gdal_source.example")'
corresponds to the groupusers
, which contains all usersexample
corresponds toexample.json