Repository containing the Evolutionary Algorithm and path generation algorithms
used and published in XX.
The xml
generated files are used as an input to the
The results and flowsets are uploaded to Zenodo and can be found XX.
Contains all the source code for the Evolutionary Routing Algorithm.
Contains all the source code to solve the Multi-Commodity Flow problem using the LEMON library and GLPK.
Convert a Lemon Graph File (LGF) to an XML format required by ns-3
Implementation of the K-Shortest Path and the Relaxed K Shortest Path algorithm.
Contains all the source code to solve the Path Constrained Multi-Commodity Flow problem using the LEMON library and GLPK.
Contains python utilities to generate a random flow set from the base GÉANT network topology graph using the Lemon Graph File (LGF) format.
Contains a number of bash
scripts used to generate the flow sets and run
Contains the jobscripts with the exact commands executed to generate the results.