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FluentInjections is a powerful library for managing dependency injection and middleware configuration in .NET 9 applications. It leverages reflection to automatically register service and middleware modules, allowing for complex injection scenarios to be handled with ease using a fluent API.


  • Automatic Registration: Automatically registers service and middleware modules from specified assemblies.
  • Fluent API: Provides a fluent interface for defining service and middleware configurations.
  • Modular Design: Supports modular service and middleware registration.
  • Extensibility: Easily extendable to support custom configurations and module registries.


To install FluentInjections, use the NuGet package manager:

dotnet add package FluentInjections


Adding FluentInjections to the Service Collection

To add FluentInjections to your service collection in a .NET 9 application, use the AddFluentInjections extension method. This method will scan the specified assemblies for service and middleware modules and register them automatically.

using FluentInjections;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


internal class GreetingServiceModule : Module<IServiceConfigurator>
    public override void Configure(IServiceConfigurator configurator)

public interface IGreetingService
    Task<string> WriteGreeting();
    void SetName(string name);
    void SetAge(int age);

internal class GreetingService : IGreetingService
    private string? _name;
    private int _age;

    public void SetAge(int age) => _age = age;
    public void SetName(string name) => _name = name;

    public Task<string> WriteGreeting()
        var name = _name!;
        var age = _age;
        return Task.FromResult($"Hello, {name}! You are almost {age} billion years old.");

This example demonstrates how to use FluentInjections to register a service module (GreetingServiceModule) that binds an IGreetingService interface to a GreetingService implementation with the specific name "GreetingService". The GreetingService class provides methods to set the name and age of the person to greet and generate a greeting message.

Using FluentInjections in the Application Pipeline

To use FluentInjections in your application pipeline, call the UseFluentInjections extension method on the IApplicationBuilder instance. This will apply all registered middleware modules from the specified assemblies.

using FluentInjections;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

/* Register services as shown in the previous example */

var app = builder.Build();


app.MapGet("/greet", async (context) =>
    var greetingService = app.Services.GetNamedRequiredService<IGreetingService>("GreetingService");
    var greeting = await greetingService.WriteGreeting();
    await context.Response.WriteAsync(greeting);


/* Define the GreetingServiceModule, IGreetingService and GreetingService as shown in the previous example */

internal class GreetingMiddlewareModule : Module<IMiddlewareConfigurator>
    public override void Configure(IMiddlewareConfigurator configurator)

internal class GreetingMiddleware : IMiddleware
    private readonly IGreetingService _service;

    public GreetingMiddleware(IGreetingService service)
        _service = service;

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        await next(context);

Example: Complex Injections with Fluent API

FluentInjections enables complex injections with the fluent API, allowing you to configure services and middleware with various options:

Define a Service Module

Create a new class MyServiceModule.cs to define a service module:

using FluentInjections;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

public class MyServiceModule : Module<IServiceConfigurator>
    public override void Configure(IServiceConfigurator configurator)
                    .Configure(service => service.Initialize())
                    .WithParameters(new { Param1 = "value1", Param2 = 42 });

public interface IMyService
    void DoSomething();
    void Initialize();

public class MyService : IMyService
    private readonly string _param1;
    private readonly int _param2;

    public MyService(string param1, int param2)
        _param1 = param1;
        _param2 = param2;

    public void DoSomething() {/* Implementation */ }
    public void Initialize() {/* Implementation */ }

Define a Middleware Module

Create a new class MyMiddlewareModule.cs to define a middleware module:

using FluentInjections;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

public class MyMiddlewareModule : Module<IMiddlewareConfigurator>
    public override void Configure(IMiddlewareConfigurator middlewareConfigurator)
                              .WithExecutionPolicy<IRetryPolicy>(policy => policy.RetryCount = 3)
                              .WithMetadata("Description", "Sample Middleware")
                              .When(() => DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday);

public interface IRetryPolicy : IExecutionPolicy
    int RetryCount { get; set; }

public class MyMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
    private readonly IRetryPolicy _policy;

    public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IRetryPolicy policy)
        _next = next;
        _policy = policy;

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
        /* Middleware logic */
        await _next(context);

Code Breakdown

The provided code showcases two separate modules responsible for registering a custom middleware (MyMiddleware) and configuring its behavior:

1. MyServiceModule

Purpose: Binds MyMiddleware to the IHttpContextAccessor service within the dependency injection container.


  • using FluentInjections; imports the FluentInjections library.
  • using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; provides access to the IHttpContextAccessor service.
  • public class MyServiceModule : Module<IServiceConfigurator> inherits from the Module<IServiceConfigurator> class, defining a configuration module for services.
  • public override void Configure(IServiceConfigurator serviceConfigurator) overrides the main configuration method.
  • serviceConfigurator.Bind<MyMiddleware>() binds MyMiddleware to the IHttpContextAccessor service.
  • .AsSingleton() sets the lifetime of the middleware instance to singleton, meaning a single instance will be shared across the application.
  • serviceConfigurator.Register(); registers the service configuration with the dependency injection container.
2. MyMiddlewareModule

Purpose: Configures the behavior of MyMiddleware during the ASP.NET Core pipeline.


  • public class MyMiddlewareModule : Module<IMiddlewareConfigurator> inherits from the Module<IMiddlewareConfigurator> class, defining a configuration module for middleware.
  • public override void Configure(IMiddlewareConfigurator middlewareConfigurator) overrides the main configuration method.
  • middlewareConfigurator.UseMiddleware<MyMiddleware>() specifies the middleware to be registered.
  • .WithPriority(1) sets the execution priority of the middleware within the pipeline (lower numbers execute first).
  • .WithExecutionPolicy<IRetryPolicy>(policy => policy.RetryCount = 3) configures a retry policy for the middleware. This example sets the retry count to 3 for failed requests.
  • .WithMetadata("Description", "Sample Middleware") adds a description metadata to the middleware.
  • .InGroup("Group1") assigns the middleware to a specific group (optional for future organization).
  • .When(() => DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday) conditions the middleware execution only on Mondays.
MyMiddleware Class

Purpose: Processes HTTP requests and can leverage the injected IHttpContextAccessor for access to request/response context.


  • public interface IRetryPolicy : IExecutionPolicy defines a basic interface for a retry policy (implementation not shown here).
  • public class MyMiddleware represents the custom middleware.
  • private readonly RequestDelegate _next; injects the next delegate in the middleware pipeline.
  • private readonly IRetryPolicy _policy; injects the configured retry policy (optional, depends on your use case).
  • public MyMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IRetryPolicy policy) constructs the middleware with dependencies.
  • public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context) defines the asynchronous method that executes the middleware logic.
  • await _next(context); calls the next delegate in the pipeline, allowing processing to continue.
Additional Notes
  • The actual implementation of the retry logic would likely involve retrying the request within InvokeAsync based on the configured retry policy.
  • Consider implementing additional middleware behavior specific to your application's needs.
  • FluentInjections provides more features for dependency injection configuration. Refer to the library's documentation for details.

Full Range of Configurators and Binding Interfaces


The ServiceConfigurator provides various methods to bind services with different configurations:

  • Bind(Type serviceType): Binds a service to an implementation.
  • Bind<TService>(): Binds a service to an implementation with type safe inference.

By using Bind(Type serviceType), you can bind a service to an implementation with the following methods:

  • To(Type implementationType): Binds a service to an implementation.
  • AsSelf(): Binds a service as itself. Must be a concrete type.
  • AsSingleton(), AsScoped(), AsTransient(): Sets the service lifetime.
  • WithLifetime(ServiceLifetime lifetime): Sets a custom service lifetime.
  • WithFactory(Func<IServiceProvider, object> factory): Binds a service using a factory.
  • WithName(string name): Binds a service with a name.
  • WithParameter(string key, object? value): Binds a service implementation type with a specific parameter.
  • WithParameters(object parameters): Binds a service implementation type with specific parameters.
  • WithParameters(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object?> parameters): Binds a service implementation type with specific, named parameters.
  • WithInstance(object instance): Binds a service to a specific singleton instance.
  • WithMetadata(string name, object? value): Attaches metadata to the service, which can be used for additional configuration. Use GetMetadata in IServiceProvider.
  • Configure(Action<object> configure): Configures the service after creation.

By using Bind(), you can also bind a service to an implementation with the following methods:

  • To<TImplementation>() where TImplementation : class, TService: Binds a service to an type safe implementation.
  • WithFactory(Func<IServiceProvider, TService> factory): Binds a service using a factory.
  • WithInstance(TService instance): Binds a service to a specific singleton instance of type TService.
  • Configure(Action<TService> configure): Configures a type safe service after creation with a lambda expression.


The MiddlewareConfigurator provides methods to configure middleware with various options. It has the following methods:

  • UseMiddleware(Type middlewareType): Registers middleware.
  • UseMiddleware<TMiddleware>(): Registers middleware

By using UseMiddleware(Type middlewareType) or UseMiddleware<TMiddleware>(), you can register middleware with the following methods:

  • Instance { get; }: Gets the middleware instance.
  • WithInstance(object instance): Sets the middleware instance.
  • WithName(string name): Sets the middleware name.
  • WithPriority(int priority): Sets the middleware priority.
  • WithPriority(Func<int> priority): Sets the middleware priority using a function.
  • WithPriority<TContext>(Func<TContext, int> priority): Sets the middleware priority using a function with context.
  • WithExecutionPolicy<TPolicy>(Action<TPolicy> value) where TPolicy : class: Sets the execution policy for the middleware.
  • WithExecutionPolicy<TPolicy>(TPolicy policy) where TPolicy : class: Sets the execution policy for the middleware.
  • WithMetadata(string name, object value): Attaches metadata to the middleware.
  • WithFallback(Func<object, Task> fallback): Sets a fallback for the middleware.
  • WithOptions<TOptions>(TOptions options) where TOptions : class: Sets options for the middleware.
  • WithTag(string tag): Tags the middleware.
  • When(Func<bool> func): Sets a condition for the middleware.
  • When<TContext>(Func<TContext, bool> func): Sets a condition for the middleware.
  • InGroup(string group): Groups middleware together.
  • DependsOn<TOtherMiddleware>(): Sets dependencies for the middleware.
  • Precedes<TPrecedingMiddleware>(): Sets dependencies for the middleware.
  • Follows<TFollowingMiddleware>(): Sets dependencies for the middleware.
  • WithTimeout(TimeSpan timeout): Sets a timeout for the middleware.
  • OnError(Func<Exception, Task> errorHandler): Sets an error handler for the middleware.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request to contribute.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Special thanks to all contributors and users of FluentInjections. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated.

For more information, visit the FluentInjections GitHub repository.


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