Silly server that encodes to colorful squares or to hex gibberish. Supports all valid unicode characters including whitespace ones. Encoded Images are enlarged for aesthetics purposes as serving 2x2 pixel pngs is not very thrilling. Made for fun and to explore ciphers and fastapi a lil bit, not meant to be practical.
Presents form that allows to encode to/decode from weird pixel art
Similar to /img but encodes to plain text
Quick encoding for simple secrets
FastAPI auto-generated docs, nice to poke around
Requires python ^3.9
git clone && cd carrothko
# Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# run tests
# Start the server
uvicorn src.main:app --reload
# encode
curl -d "key=key&secret=SecretMessage" http://localhost:8000/encode/img --output example.png
# or
curl http://localhost:8000/encode/key/SecretMessage --output example.png
# decode
curl -F "file=@example.png" -F "key=key" http://localhost:8000/decode/img -s
# encode
curl -d "key=key&secret=SecretMessage" http://localhost:8000/encode/str
# decode
curl -d "key=key&secret=2c62ebfcb63a5fbf3b98e83b2bda2b1e6166a1a5242ff345163edf" http://localhost:8000/decode/str