This is a RESTful web service for a blogging platform that provides secure CRUD operations with authentication and authorization using Spring Security. The API is built using Java and the Spring Framework.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Framework
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Java
- Swagger UI
- Postman
- Spring Security
- Authentication Module
- Admin Module
- Users Module
- Category Module
- Post Module
- Comment Module
Authentication Features:
- User Login : Allows users to authenticate themselves by providing their username and password. The provided code snippet handles the user login process and generates a JWT token upon successful authentication.
Admin Features:
- Enables administrators to manage the overall system and its configuration.
- Grants administrative privileges to perform critical tasks.
- Allows adding, editing, and deleting user accounts.
Users Features:
- User registration: Enables new users to register and create an account.
- User profile management: Allows users to update their profile information.
- User retrieval: Retrieves user information based on the user ID.
- User deletion: Deletes a user account from the system.
- User listing: Retrieves a list of all users (typically for administrative purposes).
Category Features:
- Category creation: Enables the creation of new categories.
- Category updating: Allows users to update existing categories.
- Category retrieval: Retrieves a specific category based on the category ID.
- Category deletion: Deletes a category from the system.
- Category listing: Retrieves a list of all categories..
Post Features:
- Post creation: Allows users to create new posts.
- Post updating: Enables users to update their existing posts.
- Post retrieval: Retrieves a specific post based on the post ID.
- Post deletion: Deletes a post from the system.
- Post listing: Retrieves a list of posts based on various criteria, such as user, category, or keyword.
Comment Features:
- Comment creation: Allows users to add comments to specific posts.
- Comment deletion: Deletes a comment from a post.
The following Diagram depicts the flow of our Entity Relation Diagram to simplify the work flow.
- Before running the API server, you have to update the database configuration inside the file
- Update the port number, username and password as per your local database configuration
User Login:
Endpoint: POST /login
Authenticates a user and generates a JWT token based on their login credentials.Request Body:
Contains the user's login credentials (JwtAuthRequest).Response:
Returns a JwtAuthResponse object containing the generated JWT token.
POST /register:
Purpose:Registers a new user.
Request Body:JSON object representing the user details to be registered (UserDto).
Response:` Returns a UserDto object representing the registered user and HTTP status code 201 (Created). -
PUT /update/{userId}:
Updates an existing user.Path Parameter:
userId - The ID of the user to update.Request Body:
JSON object representing the updated user details (UserDto).Response:
Returns a UserDto object representing the updated user and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted). -
GET /{userId}:
Retrieves a user by their ID.Path Parameter:
userId - The ID of the user to retrieve.Response:
Returns a UserDto object representing the retrieved user and HTTP status code 200 (OK). -
DELETE /{userId}:
Deletes a user by their ID.Path Parameter:
userId - The ID of the user to delete.Response:
Returns an HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the user is successfully deleted. -
GET /getAll:
Retrieves all users by Admin.Response:
Returns a list of UserDto objects representing all users and HTTP status code 200 (OK).
POST /user/{userId}/category/{categoryId}/posts:
Creates a new post for a specific user and category.Path Parameters:
The ID of the user creating the post.categoryId:
The ID of the category for the post.Request Body:
JSON object representing the post details (PostDto).Response:
Returns a PostDto object representing the created post and HTTP status code 201 (Created). -
PUT /post/{postId}:
Updates an existing post.Path Parameter:
postId - The ID of the post to update.Request Body:
JSON object representing the updated post details (PostDto).Response:
Returns a PostDto object representing the updated post and HTTP status code 200 (OK). -
GET /post/{postId}:
Retrieves a post by its ID.Path Parameter:
postId - The ID of the post to retrieve.Response:
Returns a PostDto object representing the retrieved post and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted). -
DELETE /{postId}/post:
Deletes a post by its ID.Path Parameter:
postId - The ID of the post to delete.Response:
Returns an HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the post is successfully deleted. -
GET /allposts:
Retrieves all posts by user and admin.Response:
Returns a list of PostDto objects representing all posts and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted). -
GET /allpost/:
Retrieves all posts with pagination and sorting options.Request Parameters:
pageNumber (optional):
The page number to retrieve (default: 1).pageSize (optional):
The number of posts per page (default: 10).sortBy (optional):
The field to sort the posts by (default: predefined value).sortDir (optional):
The sort direction (asc/desc) for the posts (default: predefined value).Response:
Returns a PostResponse object containing paginated post results and HTTP status code 200 (OK). -
GET /category/{categoryId}/posts:
Retrieves posts for a specific category with pagination.
Path Parameter:
categoryId - The ID of the category to retrieve posts for.
Request Parameters:
pageNumber (optional):
The page number to retrieve (default: 1).
pageSize (optional):
The number of posts per page (default: 10).
Returns a PostResponse object containing paginated post results and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted).
GET /user/{userId}/posts:
Retrieves posts for a specific user with pagination.Path Parameter:
userId - The ID of the user to retrieve posts for.Request Parameters:
pageNumber (optional):
The page number to retrieve (default: 1).pageSize (optional):
The number of posts per page (default: 10).Response:
Returns a PostResponse object containing paginated post results and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted).
*GET /posts/{keyword}:
Retrieves posts by searching for a keyword in the title.
Path Parameter: keyword -
The keyword to search
Creates a new comment for a specific post and user.Path Parameters:
The ID of the post the comment belongs to.userId:
The ID of the user creating the comment.Request Body:
JSON object representing the comment details (CommentDto).Response:
Returns a CommentDto object representing the created comment and HTTP status code 201 (Created). -
DELETE /comment/{commentId}:
Deletes a comment by its ID.Path Parameter:
commentId - The ID of the comment to delete.Response:
Returns an HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the comment is successfully deleted.
POST /add:
Creates a new category.Request Body:
JSON object representing the category details (CategoryDto).Response:
Returns a CategoryDto object representing the created category and HTTP status code 201 (Created). -
PUT /update/{categoryId}:
Updates an existing category.Path Parameter:
categoryId - The ID of the category to update.Request Body:
JSON object representing the updated category details (CategoryDto).Response:
Returns a CategoryDto object representing the updated category and HTTP status code 202 (Accepted). -
GET /{categoryId}:
Retrieves a category by its ID.Path Parameter:
categoryId - The ID of the category to retrieve.Response:
Returns a CategoryDto object representing the retrieved category and HTTP status code 200 (OK). -
DELETE /{categoryId}:
Deletes a category by its ID.Path Parameter:
categoryId - The ID of the category to delete.Response:
Returns an HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the category is successfully deleted. -
GET /getAll:
Retrieves all categories.Response:
Returns a list of CategoryDto objects representing all categories and HTTP status code 200 (OK).