The implementation of this API is based on Gerber Layer Format Specification - Revision 2024.05.
Gerber Layout File - All commands except
could be written and read. -
Text -
under testing. -
GerberX2FileReader - Redesign using streaming pattern.
The project uses the ANTLR V4 plugin to generate java files automatically, you need to add target/generated-sources/antlr4
in IDE build path list before building the source code.
GerberX2FileReader reader = new GerberX2FileReader(new GerberX2Visitor.Console());"samples/gerber1.gbr"));
// create a writer. GerberX2FileWriter writer = new GerberX2FileWriter(System.out) .fs(4, 6) .description("TEST1 - Region"); // start to write (streaming) writer.start(); // get the graphics object. CommonGraphics x2g = writer.getGraphics(); // create a region at (0.1mm, 0.1mm) x2g.createRegion(writer.xy(0.1), writer.y(0.1)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.1), writer.xy(0.5)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.4), null) .cwTo(writer.xy(0.5), writer.xy(0.4), null, writer.xy(-0.1)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.5), writer.xy(0.1)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.1), null) .close(); // change the polarity x2g.loadPolarity(false); // create a region at (0.3mm, 0.3mm) x2g.createRegion(writer.xy(0.3), writer.xy(0.3)) .lineTo(null, writer.xy(0.4)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.4), null) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.4), writer.xy(0.3)) .lineTo(writer.xy(0.3), null) .close(); // end writing. writer.close();
Write text
// create a writer. GerberX2FileWriter writer = new GerberX2FileWriter(System.out) .fs(4, 6); // start to write (streaming) writer.start(); // create a text graphics and draw writer.getGraphics() .createText("Arial") .text("ABCDEFG", writer.xy(0), writer.xy(10), writer.xy(100), writer.xy(10)) .text("1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+", writer.xy(0), writer.xy(0), writer.xy(1000), writer.xy(10)) .close(); // end writing. writer.close();
The value of coordination needs to meet the FS(Format Specification). GerberX2FileWriter
provides a method xy
to convert the value from mm/inch to FS format.
For example, move the cursor to new position xy(10.2mm, 5.61mm)
double mmX = 10.2;
double mmY = 5.61;
GerberX2FileWriter writer = new GerberX2FileWriter(System.out)
.fs(4, 6) // intDigits = 4, decimalDigits = 6
.unit(UnitType.MM); // unit = mm
.move(writer.xy(mmX), writer.xy(mmY)); // use xy() to convert mm to FS format
- writer.xy(mmX) - convert 10.2(mm) to 10200000(FS)
- writer.xy(mmY) - convert 5.61(mm) to 5610000(FS)
create a writer
GerberX2FileWriter writer = new GerberX2FileWriter(System.out);
start writing
Get the graphics
CommonGraphics cg = writer.getGraphics();
Define some ADs(Aperture Definition)
cg.defineCircle(11, BigDecimal.valueOf(1.2)); cg.defineRectangle(12, new BigDecimal(10), new BigDecimal(20)); cg.defineSquare(13, BigDecimal.valueOf(15.7));
Define a block
BlockDefineGraphics bg = writer.getGraphics().defineBlock(21); // draw something bg.close();
Use AD 11
Move to xy(3, 4) and draw a line to xy(20, 19)
cg.move(writer.xy(3), writer.xy(4)); cg.lineTo(writer.xy(20), writer.xy(19));
Create a region graphics at xy(-20, -40)
RegionGraphics rg = cg.createRegion(writer.xy(-20), writer.xy(-40)); // draw something rg.close();
Create a text graphics using 'Arial'
TextGraphics tg = cg.createText("Arial"); // draw something tg.close();
End writing
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.