This plugin adds some codeInsight and framework knowledge for Open- and SAPUI5 to IDEA IDEs. It does not do much in its current state, it is not "production ready" and it will not save your time for now.
- XMLView: Go To Controller
- Controller: Go To (XML)View
- collapse the controller name in XMLViews
- complete target names in manifest.json
- Provide API Docs in XMLView
- References to event handler implementation in XMLViews
- Settings to enable or disable certain features
- Understanding & support for the UI5 binding syntax incl. completion, references, syntax checking, ...
- Indexer for UI5 classes including metadata and inheritance tree
- Go to formatter, ...
- support for manifest metadata like routes etc.
- References to event handlers
- Caching for API docs
- Version selection in settings actually works.
- Completion in XML Views
- Gathers some knowledge about own ui5 classes. Not that useful for now.
- First implementation of API docs in XMLViews. More to come!
- Bugfix: controllerName lookup for "sap.ui.core.mvc.XMLView" should work just like "sap.ui.core.mvc.View"
- Feature: Controller: go to View