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heli-gym 🚁

OpenAI GYM environment for 6-DOF Helicopter simulation.

This is GYM environment package for reinforcement learning for helicopter flight tasks using minimum complexity helicopter model.

Environment Details

  • Pure Gym environment
  • Realistic Dynamic Model based on Minimum Complexity Helicopter Model (Heffley and Mnich) In addition, inflow dynamics are added and model is adjusted so that it covers multiple flight conditions.
  • Rendering is done by OpenGL.


Action Space

Num Act Unit Min Max
0 Collective -1 1
1 Lon. Cyclic -1 1
2 Lat. Cyclic -1 1
3 Pedal -1 1

Observation Space

Num Obs Unit Min Max
0 power hp 0
1 lon. air speed ft/s -∞
2 lat. air speed ft/s -∞
3 down air speed ft/s -∞
4 north velocity ft/s -∞
5 east velocity ft/s -∞
6 descend rate ft/s -∞
7 roll angle rad π
8 pitch angle rad π
9 yaw angle rad π
10 roll rate (body) rad/s -∞
11 pitch rate (body) rad/s -∞
12 yaw rate (body) rad/s -∞
13 x loc (earth) ft -∞
14 y loc (earth) ft -∞
15 sea altitude ft 0
16 ground altitude ft 0


For now only one task is available. However, rewarding is not tested well yet.

Environment Details
HeliHover-v0 Hover
HeliForwardFlight-v0 Forward Flight
HeliObliqueFlight-v0 Oblique Flight

Tested OS

Environment tested on these OSs. If you have any problem, probably shared libraries for rendering make it, please look at renderer page.

Environment should be run at least 100 FPS to simulate helicopter precisely. Receiving max FPS with NVIDIA 1070-TI with Intel i7-8700K given in the table. Limiting factor of FPS is CPU because of calculation of dynamics of helicopter in Python. If system cannot reach 100 FPS, please make sure that GPU driver be installed and make sure that CPU can handle with the Python.

Tested OS Max FPS
Windows 10 350
Ubuntu 18.04 470
Ubuntu 16.04 500

For the user who has lower than the version of Ubuntu 16.04 (like Ubuntu 14.04 etc.) or other Linux distros, please re-compile dependent libraries. Re-compile instruction can be found at renderer page.


Run following command.

pip install -e .


Create environment by either,

from heligym import HeliHover
env = HeliHover()


import gym
import heligym
env = gym.make("HeliHover-v0")

The rest is usual as of any GYM environment !


To do list, ordered according to importance order.

  • Fix rotor rotation rendering problem
  • Make terrain height map input generic
  • Place all helicopter related resources into single folder
  • Add turbulence model (probably Dryden Turbulence Model)
  • Convert all dynamics related scripts into C++ code with Python api.

To do list for Reinforcement Learning tasks.