Simple example of TensorFlow 1.x serving.
Model training:
$ ./
Prediction using the trained model:
$ ./
In order to run this project as a Docker container, a Docker image has to be built:
$ docker build --file Dockerfile.development -t hello-development:1.0 .
Run a Docker container together with NVidia GPUs:
$ docker run -it \
-v ${PWD}/exported_models:/workspace/exported_models \
--gpus all \
--name hello-development \
hello-development:1.0 bash
In case you need to take your trained models out of the container:
$ docker cp docker-development:/workspace/models/ models/
Read more about it in Docker Hub.
Docker Image build which contains of TensorFlow serving:
$ docker build --file Dockerfile.production -t hello-production:1.0 .
Run a Docker container:
$ docker run -it --rm \
-v ${PWD}/exported_models:/models \
-p 8501:8501 \
-e MODEL_NAME=hello \
-e MODEL_PATH=/models/hello \
--name hello-production \
When production Docker container is running, the prediction requests can be done:
[POST] "http://localhost:8501/v1/models/hello:predict"
JSON body example:
"signature_name": "predict",
"instances": [
"f1": 6.4,
"f2": 2.9,
"f3": 4.3,
"f4": 1.3