Application is being developed using Java, Spring and React with Kafka for supporting the Event Driven Microservices Architecture.
Using Spring Cloud Microservices and Spring Boot Framework extensively to make this application distributed.
All the Microservices are developed using spring boot. This spring boot applications will be registered with Consul discovery server.
Zuul will route the requests to microservice based on the url route. Zuul also registers with Consul and gets the ip/domain from Consul for microservice while routing the request.
Frontend App
Navigate to booking-frontend-react-app
Run below commnads to start Frontend React Application
yarn install
yarn start
Backend Services
To Start Backend Services follow below steps.
Use below method to deploy all the services in docker.
Using Docker.
Start Docker Engine in your machine.
Run mvn clean install
at root of project to build all the microservices jars.
Run docker-compose up --build
to start all the containers.
This project uses Consul as Discovery service.
Since docker-compose manages all consul stuff hence using Consul while running services in docker.
OAuth API sercurity - Auth server and resourse server. Issue access token and use JWT token when communicatiing between front end app and micro services gateway. Transport layer security (TLS) and/or a secure sockets layer (SSL) encrypts data between clients and/or brokers, from clients → brokers, and tools → brokers. Isolation of zookeeper. Regular monitoring of kafka messaging and establish alerting.