Author: Zhennong Chen, PhD
This is the GitHub repo for the published paper:
Automated Cardiac Volume Assessment and Cardiac Long- and Short-Axis Imaging Plane Prediction from ECG-gated CT Volumes Enabled By Deep Learning.
Authors: Zhennong Chen, Davis Vigneault, Marzia Rogolli, Francisco Contijoch
Citation: Zhennong Chen, Marzia Rigolli, Davis Marc Vigneault, Seth Kligerman, Lewis Hahn, Anna Narezkina, Amanda Craine, Katherine Lowe, Francisco Contijoch, Automated cardiac volume assessment and cardiac long- and short-axis imaging plane prediction from electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography volumes enabled by deep learning, European Heart Journal - Digital Health, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 311–322,
We developed a convolutional neural network to provide automatic, accurate and fast chamber segmentation (Left ventricle and Left atrium) as well as cardiac imaging planes re-slicing (two-chamber, three-chamber, four-chamber planes + a short-axis stack) from cardiac CT images.
This convolutional neural network is a variant of conventional U-Net. We modified the U-Net architecuture so that (1) it can take the down-sampled 3D CT image directly as the input and (2) it can predict plane vectors that can be used to re-slice different cardiac imaging planes.
The entire code is containerized. This makes setting up environment swift and easy. Make sure you have nvidia-docker and Docker CE installed on your machine before going further.
- You can build your own docker from provided dockerfile Dockerfile_cuda100_tensorflow
- This repo relies on a python package called dvpy. Make sure you have the latest version. If not, in terminal type: pip uninstall dvpy; pip install git+
Here is a list of things you need to prepare:
- CT volumes, file format: NIfTI image
- Ground truth chamber segmentation (at least LV and LA, better to have LVOT as well), file format: NIfTI image
- Ground truth manual cardiac imaging planes (3 LAX and one SAX), file format: NIfTI image
Here is a list of things you need to do before training the model.
- re-sample all your data to a uniform pixel dimension (dafault = 1.5mm)
- for CT volumes and segmentations, use
- for planes, use
- for CT volumes and segmentations, use
- extract ground truth plane vectors by
- partition the data if you want to do n-fold cross-validation by
- set default parameters for DL experiments by
. ./
we first turn off the penalty of vector prediction and only teach the model to learn segmentation.
we then turn on the penalty of vector prediction, initialize the new train by pre-trained segmentation model, and teach the model to learn vector prediction.
Read the paper "Methods" section for more details about the training strategy.
: teach model to learn segmentation
: teach model to learn plane vector predictions
: predict segmentation and plane vectors for new cases
: use plane vectors to generate a cine movie of imaging planes showing the cardiac function across cardiac cycle. see Example_plane_cine.mp4
for how the movie looks like.
We highly recommend to use our GitHub Repo designed specific to predict segmentation&planes on new cases using trained DL model. It can generate better (higher resolution) results and is useful when you have more than one trained models for the same task.
see comments in the script
Please contact or for any further questions.