diff --git a/src/components/WorkshopPage/WorkshopPage.js b/src/components/WorkshopPage/WorkshopPage.js
index 353e23f1..07d5dd4a 100644
--- a/src/components/WorkshopPage/WorkshopPage.js
+++ b/src/components/WorkshopPage/WorkshopPage.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import ComingSoon from '../ComingSoon/ComingSoon';
 // import { Button } from '@material-ui/core';
 // import StickyBox from 'react-sticky-box';
 // import Divider from '@mui/material/Divider';
-const workshopsAvailable = false;
+const workshopsAvailable = true;
 const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
 	itemType: {
 		fontWeight: 'medium',
@@ -71,57 +71,44 @@ const workshops = [
 		elements: [
 				title: 'Intro to HTML, CSS, and JS',
-				author: 'Shiyu Ye',
-				description: `This workshop will take you on a fun and interactive
-				journey through the three amigos of web development: HTML, CSS, and
-				JavaScript. We will go over how to use HTML to structure your web
-				pages, CSS to style them up with colors, fonts, and layouts, and
-				JavaScript to add some fun little tricks. As a practice, we will
-				be creating a personal website for Anya from Spy x Family! Hope to
-				spy you there, fam ;)`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/bU1C5UoKlSU',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-html-css-js',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mpto8de9naxHfKPpK9p8updtKn-Z2wSzQV-Ravq6I58/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Hannah Kendall',
+				description: `This workshop covers the basics of Web Development - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! 
+				Together, they make up the structure (HTML), the style (CSS), and the functionality (JS) of a 
+				web application. Keep reading or watch the workshop to learn how to utilize these tools to 
+				make a super cool web application of your own!`,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSvbqxaAWqE&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=2',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-html-css-js',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z6rnFfiFMpTCIxXbZz9fndr4hMB4XVyQbtid2ET0BSk/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to Web APIs',
-				author: 'Abigail Tran',
-				description: `Sick of waiting all year for your Spotify Wrapped? Learn
-				how to build your own version of Receiptify or Spotify Pie using spotify
-				APIs! In this workshop, we will learn all about using Web APIs to integrate
-				existing software systems (like Twitter, Venmo, Spotify, Google Maps) within
-				your OWN project! So wrap up your Spotify playlist, and queue up this workshop
-				on APIs!`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/U2MOLOC6GAI',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-apis',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iQU02GAt75Y2JhRN6iniuJFAt_tKBy1xE2whg-1DJs0/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Kaylin Chung',
+				description: `Hello! Welcome to HOTH XI's Intro to Web APIs workshop. This is a guide to introduce you 
+				to the foundations of Web APIs that will allow you to integrate them into any fullstack project. We 
+				will be covering the client-server model, HTTP requests & responses, and how we can leverage external 
+				servers to retrieve data and services for an app. Keep reading to learn more!`,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIamyNtujBY&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=3',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-webapis',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CpiERteBZsqKqRjnYgGruBO2aZnonjRWibSqnthcRws/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to Servers',
 				author: 'Andy Lewis',
-				description: `This intro to servers workshop covers the basics of the client-server
-				model and touches on relevant topics like hardware and software servers, HTTP,
-				and JSON. During the accompanying demo, you will learn how to create a simple
-				server and its API using JavaScript, Node.js, and Express. The server features
-				a simulated user database with user manipulation using GET, POST, and DELETE
-				requests, which we will test using the API tester, Postman! Stay posted for this
-				workshop and take your express ticket to server expertise!`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/pdE3bA_S4q8',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-servers',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RRLdpQPd8cEvC-9tqNKD9qUO08CcmGYJo30rTwJiQkU/edit?usp=sharing'
+				description: null,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w60BwDG6hs&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=5',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-servers',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZvL1TrNetVCnJHxDT0ffca0QwEP678LnVAGC846DtZ4/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to React.js',
-				author: 'Brooke Jiang',
-				description: `In this workshop, we cover the basics of React with a simple demo
-				of creating a grocery list. We will introduce React, explain why we want to use it, make
-				our first component, and allow it to display different information using props and
-				array.map()! Furthermore, we will learn the basics of State and useState, and how React magic
-				lets the user interact with the site. Shop no longer for ways to create your ideal website
-				and state tuned for this introduction to React!`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/1GNq5ez2Lxg',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-react',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dAx-azdKEiOLCANUMoKRm1PP2Cme5SfXaAM-xh6Ozdg/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Kayla Kamakawa',
+				description: `Hello! Welcome to the Intro to React JS workshop for HOTH XI! Here we 
+				will be introducing frontend web development using React. In this workshop we will utilize 
+				HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so I would recommend watching the workshop on those if you are not already 
+				familiar with them!`,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZrRLf5Gmqg&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=6',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-react',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VsaDQLJS2ShCG8dLjvUt0BP7f9Zrq0oIPf73wCQtbNM/edit?usp=drive_link'
@@ -131,14 +118,11 @@ const workshops = [
 		elements: [
 				title: 'Intro to React Native',
-				author: 'James Wu',
-				description: `Ever wanted to make your own mobile app? Let's explore React Native—a cross
-				platform development tool that's behind Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and many other
-				iconic names. In this workshop, we'll learn how to create our own app from scratch,
-				going over views, components, functionality, and more so that you can be a native of React! `,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/TYvmyMJc3PQ',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hoth9-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-react-native',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hPfBtJzcgahXPLuJlQ6y0HcmpqrflBbZPpmL5e1vTQE/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Max Lee',
+				description: null,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulqijuEyi5Y&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=8',
+				readme: null,
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_7WB4HkKUErKpaTbwc2Z7R__20CiRZ8BXlc5oo7FcLw/edit?usp=drive_link'
@@ -148,76 +132,61 @@ const workshops = [
 		elements: [
 				title: 'Hackathon 101',
-				author: 'Anan Wang',
+				author: 'Aazel Tan',
 				description: `This workshop video explains the basics of hackathons, which are events where
 				people work together to create technology projects. You'll learn what to expect and how to make
 				the most out of your experience. By the end of the video, you'll have a better understanding of
 				what hackathons are all about and how to get started with attending one. Happy hacking, handy
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/p8ssQybQsd8',
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Plz5kfY8JLs&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi',
 				readme: null,
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oln-vrDxRUNNjYx9DT616e8QW2x6HYdkriyty0N8Rkc/edit?usp=sharing'
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1omzpuEm3yUB92c0uwrMp79aXWa74Ft99jgSNZoUOb7I/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to Git',
-				author: 'Jenna Wang',
-				description: `Git is a distributed version control system; it brings a local copy of the
-				complete repository to every team member’s computer, facilitating collaboration and easy
-				tracking of changes made to code. The benefits of using Git include the flexibility to
-				work offline, reliable backup copies, fast merging and flexible branching, rapid feedback,
-				fewer merge conflicts, and available support. We’ll be going over how to install and
-				configure Git and how to use various Git commands to switch branches, commit, push, and
-				pull code, so let's 'git gud' at git!`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/BefzoplcCzs',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-git',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kzZsZGdJ4h_GscDhjbLPs4L3j0XPIpE1-F_w2_zc6N4/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Lillian Gonick',
+				description: `Hello everyone! Welcome to the Intro to Git workshop README! In this workshop, we will
+				 be covering the version control system: Git. Together, we will walk through installing git, creating 
+				 our first repository, and merging two branches!`,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw2AGGJKnbg&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=4',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-git',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fU0VoWGm95IsHadN5STolL6PO74Et_sfQFq7WQ5_d24/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to Databases',
-				author: 'Satyen Subramaniam',
-				description: `All good projects need a strong foundation - a base for their data. Join us in this
-				workshop where we'll run through the use cases of databases, the structure of popular types of
-				databases, and how to choose a database. We'll also do a full demo using Google Firebase - a
-				beginner friendly non-relational database - and connect it to a custom website using React, all
-				completely from scratch! Get ready cus this workshop is gonna be absolutely fire (and make your
-				websites hella based) :)`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/l6D8X0L_L_g',
-				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothX-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-databases',
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LE2CYSIvGKSbGdGuZuMC1hOnxjmKgP3uwH0-LPEWSFw/edit?usp=sharing'
+				author: 'Sneha Agarwal',
+				description: `Hi! Welcome to HOTHXI's Database workshop, in this workshop we'll be covering
+				the basics of what a database is and walkthrough how to set up, retrieve information, and
+				add information to our database! Before starting this workshop I recommend checking out 
+				the React JS or React Native workshops if you're not familar with them.`,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09dT8CcrgTw&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=7',
+				readme: 'https://github.com/uclaacm/hothXI-workshops/tree/main/intro-to-databases',
+				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rkeQNLEeXlpSXsoHmFdx77FY4HgK-rTUSqRSs7JOe5E/edit?usp=drive_link'
 				title: 'Intro to Game Development',
-				author: 'Austin Law (ACM Game Studio)',
-				description: `It’s gamer time! In this workshop, we cover some general tips to game development.
-				Whether you want to make an action RPG or a visual novel, it's important to keep in mind where
-				to start, how to scale properly, and how to work with a team. Then, we briefly dive into Unity
-				and the Unity Editor, and follow a condensed version of Unity's Roll-A-Ball tutorial. So grab
-				your headsets and watch this workshop cus it’s time to up your game dev game!`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/WkqycKI6vdc',
-				readme: null,
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s545_VhUktrxMzpx6k6hi_kOUbsRiJP0evhJ1x9ai38/edit?usp=sharing'
-			},
-			{
-				title: 'Intro to UI/UX Design',
-				author: 'Caitlyn Chen and Sara Kuchimpos (Creative Labs)',
-				description: `We will cover the higher level goals of UI/UX, how to think about
-				design, and common design mistakes. Along the way, we'll drops some tips and
-				tricks to make your design absolutely bomb and give you guys some extra resources
-				to reference.`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/TxWxpsna2Us',
+				author: 'TODO (ACM Game Studio)',
+				description: ``,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkqycKI6vdc&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=9',
 				readme: null,
-				slides: 'https://www.figma.com/file/9wDd7hY9OvRRETh8Gt91fF/HOTH-Workshop?node-id=29%3A32'
+				slides: null
-				title: 'Intro to Machine Learning',
-				author: 'Caden Davis, Jason Jewik, and Nisha McNealis (ACM AI)',
-				description: `This workshop is an introduction to Machine Learning
-				presented to you by ACM AI. We'll briefly introduce what Machine Learning is,
-				the theory behind it, and how you can apply it to your own hackathon project.`,
-				youtube: 'https://youtu.be/byTbOGoAbRI',
+				title: 'Intro to Deep Learning',
+				author: 'Leon Lenk, Maxine Wu, & Jordan Lin (ACM AI)',
+				description: ``,
+				youtube: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RggC7sb1_cE&list=PLPO7_kXilXFYCo6UngcitrjAHnRXyBmwi&index=10',
 				readme: null,
-				slides: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15iGiw78UcoYgqZZR7BHfVzRGgzhXFz8Imok-OwMTWXQ/edit?usp=sharing'
+				slides: null
+			// {
+			// 	title: 'Intro to UI/UX Design',
+			// 	author: 'Caitlyn Chen and Sara Kuchimpos (Creative Labs)',
+			// 	description: ``,
+			// 	youtube: 'https://youtu.be/TxWxpsna2Us',
+			// 	readme: null,
+			// 	slides: 'https://www.figma.com/file/9wDd7hY9OvRRETh8Gt91fF/HOTH-Workshop?node-id=29%3A32'
+			// }
@@ -242,7 +211,7 @@ function WorkshopPage() {
-				justify={isSmall ? 'center' : 'flex-start'}
+				justifyContent={isSmall ? 'center' : 'flex-start'}
 				{item.elements.map(element => <Workshop key={element.title} {...element} />)}
@@ -279,7 +248,7 @@ function WorkshopPage() {
 					{!workshopsAvailable ?
 						<ComingSoon alignment='left' /> :
-						{ workshopCards }
+						<>{workshopCards}</>