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Tyler Danstrom edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 1 revision
  1. / = returns the endpoints available at the root of the API
  2. /collections = returns a list of collections in the ldr metadata storage
  3. /collections/[collection identifier/sub collection identifier/ sub-sub collection identifier] = returns a list of collections that are part of a particular collection [sub-collection, etc.]
  4. /collection/[collection identifier] = returns the endpoints available for a particular collection
  5. /collection/[collection identifier]/core = returns the core (metadata) describing a particular intellectual unit
  6. /collection/[collection identifier]/proxies = returns a list of proxy identifiers that are available for a particular collection
  7. /collection/[collection identifier]/proxies/[proxy identifier] = returns the proxy metadata identified by the proxy identifier that is available for a particular intellectual unit
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