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cheeto: UCD HPC Management Utilities

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cheeto provides a library and schemas for validating our puppet YAML files, merging account data, and converting from the HiPPO YAML format to the puppet format.

Converting: cheeto hippo-convert

Validates a generated HiPPO YAML and converts it to our puppet format. Optionally extracts the public key and writes it to [USER].pub in the specified directory.

usage: cheeto hippo-convert [-h] -i HIPPO_FILE [-o PUPPET_FILE] [--key-dir KEY_DIR]

Convert HIPPO yaml to puppet.hpc format.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i HIPPO_FILE, --hippo-file HIPPO_FILE
  -o PUPPET_FILE, --puppet-file PUPPET_FILE
  --key-dir KEY_DIR

Validating: cheeto validate-puppet

Validates the specified puppet YAML files. Optionally, deep-merge the files into the first supplied file. By default, prints the validated (and optionally merged) YAML to standard out.

usage: cheeto validate-puppet [-h] [--merge] [--dump DUMP] files [files ...]

positional arguments:
  files        YAML files to validate.

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --merge      Merge the given YAML files before validation.
  --dump DUMP  Dump the validated YAML to the given file

Generating: cheeto nocloud-render

Generates nocloud-net installation files combining a base template with disk-specific layouts defined on a per-host basis.

usage: cheeto nocloud-render [-h] [--templates-dir TEMPLATES_DIR] [--authorized-keys AUTHORIZED_KEYS]
                             [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--cobbler-ip COBBLER_IP]
                             [--puppet-environment PUPPET_ENVIRONMENT] [--puppet-ip PUPPET_IP]
                             [--puppet-fqdn PUPPET_FQDN]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --templates-dir TEMPLATES_DIR, -t TEMPLATES_DIR
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
  --cobbler-ip COBBLER_IP, -c COBBLER_IP
  --puppet-ip PUPPET_IP
  --puppet-fqdn PUPPET_FQDN

Template layout structure:

templates/hosts/ # Required: individual HOSTNAME.j2 files
templates/layouts/ # Optional: additional templates with disk layouts
templates/snippets/ # Optional: snippets to be available (e.g. for --authorized-keys)

Simple template for a host with a single disk (templates/hosts/HOSTNAME.j2):

Any metadata you want to have as notes about the host.
{% extends "single_disk.yaml" %}

More complex host template that requires multiple drive layouts (templates/hosts/HOSTNAME.j2):

Any metadata you want to have as notes about the host.
{%- extends "raid1_all_root.yaml" %}
{%- block disks %}
{{ super() }}
{%- include 'raid1_largest_scratch.yaml' %}
{%- endblock disks %}