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- Setting Up Docker for DSpace
- Set the environment variable DSPACE_VER to the DSpace image version you would like to use.
export DSPACE_VER=dspace-6_x-jdk8-test
- Set the environment variable DPROJ to a shorthand version of the version of DSpace you are running (this needs to be distinct for each database schema version). Docker will name the network, images, and persistent volumes with this value. This will allow you to host multiple DSpace configurations through Docker.
- d7, d6, d5, d4*
export DPROJ=d6
- The following line within the docker-compose.yml file can be uncommented to enable the Mirage2 theme within the site.
# Uncomment the following to enable Mirage2 (DSpace 5x or 6x only)
# - "../../add-ons/mirage2/xmlui.xconf:/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf"
- Build Docker image, see ../../dockerfiles/<institution_domain>
cd to the dspace-compose directory
Set environment variables in .env
Load environment variables
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
- Run Docker compose
docker-compose -p $DPROJ up -d
This will start 2 containers: (1) database (2) tomcat.
$ docker ps -a
98677e1cde3b dspace/dspace:dspace-6_x "catalina.sh run" About a minute ago Up About a minute 8009/tcp,>8080/tcp d6_dspace_1
5186cf451eff dspace/dspace-postgres-pgcrypto "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute 5432/tcp d6_dspacedb_1
The dspace container and the dspacedb container will persist data in a docker volume.
$ docker volume ls -f "label=com.docker.compose.project=$DPROJ"
local d6_assetstore
local d6_pgdata
local d6_solr
docker exec -it ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 /dspace/bin/dspace version
winpty docker exec -it ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 //dspace/bin/dspace version
docker exec -it ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace -c "select * from schema_version order by installed_rank desc limit 1"
winpty docker exec -it ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace -c "select * from schema_version order by installed_rank desc limit 1"
docker exec -it --detach-keys "ctrl-p" ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 /bin/bash
winpty docker exec -it --detach-keys "ctrl-p" ${DPROJ}_dspace_1 //bin/bash
Bash Command
/dspace/bin/dspace version
docker exec -it --detach-keys "ctrl-p" ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace
winpty docker exec -it --detach-keys "ctrl-p" ${DPROJ}_dspacedb_1 psql -U dspace
- DSpace 5 or 6: http://localhost:8080/xmlui
- DSpace 7: http://localhost:8080/spring-rest
To stop DSpace, the following command can be run. The image will be retained in a stopped state.
docker-compose -p $DPROJ stop
You can destroy the images with the following command. This command will be necessary to run if you change the compose file that you are using.
docker-compose -p $DPROJ down
After stopping or destroying your instances, note that the volumes have persisted.
$ docker volume ls -f "label=com.docker.compose.project=$DPROJ"
local d6_assetstore
local d6_pgdata
local d6_solr
When DSpace is restarted, the contents of your volumes will be restored
docker-compose -p $DPROJ up -d
To ingest content into this DSpace instance see dspace-ingest-compose. This compose file will help you to ingest content into the docker volumes that you just created.
To deploy new code within your image, see dspace-dev-compose.
Remember that you will need to run the following command if you use an alternate compose file. When you recreate the images, your volume content will be retained.
docker-compose -p $DPROJ down
If you no longer need to retain your Docker volumes, run the following commands.
docker volume rm ${DPROJ}_assetstore ${DPROJ}_pgdata ${DPROJ}_solr