Welcome to our Dashboard!
This document gives you some information about the project and why intend to address this unexplored space. It's a dark and (de)motivating area that presses the need to be deconstructed in order to complete the evolution of socio economic factors that shape the present World we live in.
Suicidal behaviour is in some way related to social indicators of cohesion and integration. The vast majority studies on the social correlates of the regional variation of suicide concern American data, whereas countries with social structure different from those of American nations have been neglected from this point of view. So, to ascertain the influence of social factors on suicidal behaviour in Italy, the regional distribution of suicides has been analyzed in relation to social security expenses, marriage, separation and divorce rates, crime rates, Gross Domestic Product per capita and consumers rates, occupational rates.
At both the individual and population levels, the suicide rate has long been understood to correlate with cultural, social, political, and economic forces. Suicide is not everywhere linked with pathology but represents a culturally recognized solution to certain situations. As such, understanding suicide and attempting risk prevention requires an understanding of how suicide varies with these forces and how it relates to individual, group and contextual experiences.
More about this here
We developed an interactive dashboard to throw some insights on the number of suicides in 101 countries across the globe and how it is affected by factors such as age, generation and Gross Domestic Product. The dashboard aims to provide a high level reasoning of aggregates that helps connects the bigger dots on the economic context. The app provides:
- Changing trends of Number of Suicides by year for each Country
- Relative Position of Countries in relation to GDP and Population
- Changing Trends of Number of Suicides by age and Generation
- Overall measure of Suicides by Gender for all countries
Visit our App - Click here
A fun and energetic team who decided to go all grey with an unfathomed topic of Suicides!
We are students in the Master of Data Science program at The University of British Columbia. You can reach out to us anytime, we have a lot of ideas that are up for Dashing!
- Aditya Saluja(adisal97@student.ubc.ca)
- Poojitha Gowthaman (pgowth@student.ubc.ca)
- Sowmya Chenthi Kumar Click here
- Yatin Behl(behl@student.ubc.ca)
The dashboard is currently under active development and will be followed by updates and bug fixes
- Improved User Experience
- Updating charts based on selection from the maps
- In-app help navigations
- Addition of socio -economic factors from multiple datasets
Please do let us know for any suggestions or improvements on our App. We appreciate all feedbacks and ideas. We are students who make space for some new and better to give only our best!
Please feel free to contribute at CONTRIBUTIONS
All the participants should abide by the terms and conditions mentioned in CODE OF CONDUCT
Thanks much for visiting our project and we all hope that you will join us through our journey as triumphant Data Scientists.
Have a good day!
Thanks for reading till the end, you can also access our App here - Click here