add.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Adds the value of the first operand to second operand. If the second
operand is an address register, the ADDA instruction is used instead.
Example: add.l (a4, d3), d1
adda.(l, w) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: An
Adds the value of the first operand to second operand. It does not
change the SR. When using word size, the first operand is sign extended
to long and the second is read and written as a long.
Example: adda.l d0, a0
addi.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Adds the immediate value to the second operand
Example: addi.w #4, d1
addq.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Adds the value of the first operand to second operand. The first operand
value must be between 1 and 8. If the destination is a address register,
it is always treated as a long, and the condition codes are not
Example: addq.w #4, d1
and.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical AND between the first and second operand, stores the
result in the second operand
Example: and.l d0, d1
andi.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical AND between the first immediate value and second
operand, stores the result in the second operand
Example: andi.l #$FF, (a0)
asd.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Shifts the bits of the second operand to the {direction} as many times
as the value of the first operand, depending on the specified size. The
new bits are filled with the sign bit. Defaults to word
Example: `as<d> d0, d3` Where d is either (l)eft or (r)ight
Op 1: ea
Branches to the specified address if {condition code}
Example: `b<cc> label` Where cc is one of the condition codes
Condition Codes:
hi: Unsigned higher
ls: Unsigned lower or same
cc: Carry clear
cs: Carry set
ne: Not equal
eq: Equal
vc: Overflow clear
vs: Overflow set
pl: Plus
mi: Minus
ge: Greater or equal
lt: Less than
gt: Greater than
le: Less than or equal
hs: Unsigned higher or same
lo: Unsigned lower
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Inverts the bit of the second operand at the position of the value of
the first operand
Example: bchg #%101, d3
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Clears the bit of the second operand at the position of the value of the
first operand
Example: bclr d2, d7
Op 1: ea
Branches to the specified address unconditionally
Example: bra $2000
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2:: Dn/(An)/ea
Sets to 1 the bit of the second operand at the position of the value of
the first operand
Example: bset #1, d1
Op 1: ea
Branches to the specified address and stores the return address in the
Example: bsr label
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Tests the bit of the second operand at the position of the value of the
first operand, it changes the Z (zero) flag, the destination operand is
not modified
Example: btst #4, d0
clr.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/ea
Sets to 0 all the bits of the destination operand, how many bits are set
to 0 depends on the specified size, defaults to long
Example: clr.b d0
cmp.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/An
Compares the second operand with the first operand, it sets the flags
accordingly which will be used by the branching instructions. Works by
subtracting the first operand from the second operand and setting the
flags. If the second operand is an address register, the CMPA
instruction is used instead.
Example: cmp.l -(sp), d0
cmpa.(l, w) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: An
Compares the second operand with the first operand, it sets the flags
accordingly which will be used by the branching instructions. When using
word size, the first operand is sign extended to long and the second is read
and written as a long.
Example: cmpa.l $1000, a0
cmpi.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Compares the second operand with the first operand, it sets the flags
accordingly which will be used by the branching instructions.
Example: cmpi.w #10, d3
cmpm.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: (An)
Op 2: (An)
Compares two memory regions, only valid operand is the post increment,
it sets the flags accordingly which will be used by the branchin
Example: cmpm.b (a0)+, (a1)+
Op 1: Dn
Op 2: ea
Decrements the first operand by 1 and branches to the specified address
if {condition code} is false and the first operand is not -1. dbra is
the same as dbf (will decrement untill it reaches -1). It reads the
operand as a word, so it can run at maximum 64k times
Example: `db<cc> d0, label` Where cc is one of the condition codes
Op 1: Dn
Op 2: ea
Decrements the first operand by 1 and branches to the specified address
if the first operand is not -1. dbcc is the same as dbf (will decrement
untill it reaches -1)
Example: dbra d0, label
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn
Divides (signed) the value of the second operand by the value of the
first operand (op2 / op1). The quotient is stored in the first 16 bits
of the destination register and the remainder is stored in the last 16
bits of the destination register. The first operand is read as a word,
the second as a long
Example: divs #2, d1
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn
Divides (unsigned) the value of the second operand by the value of the first
operand (op2 / op1). The quotient is stored in the first 16 bits of the
destination register and the remainder is stored in the last 16 bits of the
destination register. The first operand is read as a word, the second as a long
Example: divu #@4, d1
eor.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical XOR between the first and second operand, stores the
result in the second operand
Example: eor.l d0, d1
eori.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical XOR between the first immediate value and second
operand, stores the result in the second operand
Example: eori.l #1, (sp)+
Op 1: Dn/An
Op 2: Dn/An
Exchanges the values of the two operands, only works in 32 bits
Example: exg d0, a1
ext.(l, w) {w}
Op 1: Dn
Extends the sign of the operand, depending on the specified size. If the
part to extend is negative, it will be filled with 1s, otherwise it will
be filled with 0s. Defaults to word
Example: ext.w d0
Op 1: (An)/ea
Jumps to the specified address unconditionally
Example: jmp (a0)
Op 1: (An)/ea
Jumps to the specified address, like the "lea" instruction, when
resolving the address, it does not read the memory, so "jsr 4(a0)" will
jump to the value of "a0 + 4", the address is loaded and stores the
return address in the stack
Example: jsr (sp)
Op 1: (An)/ea
Op 2: An
Loads the address of the first operand into the second operand, when
using indirect addressing, the value is not read, only the address is
loaded. For example "lea 4(a0), a0" will load a0 + 4 in a1
Example: lea (a0), a1
Op 1: An
Op 2: Im
Pushes to the stack the long content of the address register, sets the
address register to the current stack pointer and then decrements the
stack pointer by the specified amount
Example: link a0, #-16
lsd.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Shifts the bits of the second operand to the {direction} as many times
as the value of the first operand, depending on the specified size. The
new bits are filled with 0s. Defaults to word
Example: `ls<d> #3, d7` Where d is either (l)eft or (r)ight
move.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Moves the value from the first operand to second operand. If the second
operand is an address register, the MOVEA instruction is used instead.
Example: move.b #10, d0
movea.(l, w) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: An
Moves the value from the first operand to second operand. If the size is
word, it is sign extended to long. It does not change the SR. When using
word size, the first operand is sign extended to long and the second is
written as a long.
Example: movea.l d0, a0
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn
Moves the value from the first operand to second operand. The first
operand is read as a byte so only values between -127 and 127.
Example: moveq #10, d0
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn
Multiplies the value of the first operand by the second operand. The
result is stored in the second operand. The first operand is read as a
word, the second as a long
Example: muls d0, d1
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn
Multiplies (unsigned) the value of the first operand by the second
operand. The result is stored in the second operand. The first operand
is read as a word, the second as a long
Example: mulu d5, d2
neg.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/ea
Flips the sign of the operand, depending on the specified size, defaults
to word
Example: neg.l d0
not.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/ea
Inverts the bits of the operand depending on the specified size
Example: not.b d0
or.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical OR between the first and second operand, stores the
result in the second operand
Example: or.l #$FF, d1
ori.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Performs a logical OR between the first immediate value and second
operand, stores the result in the second operand
Example: ori.l #%1100, (a0)
Op 1: (An)/ea
Same as lea, but it pushes the address to the stack
Example: pea (a0)
rod.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Rotates the bits of the second operand to the {direction} as many times
as the value of the first operand, depending on the specified size.
Defaults to word
Example: `ro<d> d2, d5` Where d is either (l)eft or (r)ight
Returns from a subroutine, pops the return address from the stack and
jumps to it
Example: rts
Op 1: Dn/(An)/ea
Sets the first byte of the destination operand to $FF (-1) if flags
{condition code} is true, otherwise it sets it to 0
Example: `s<cc> d0` Where cc is one of the condition codes
sub.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Subtracts the value of the first operand from second operand and stores
in the second. If the second operand is an address register, the SUBA
instruction is used instead.
Example: sub.w $1000, d1
suba.(l, w) {w}
Op 1: Dn/An/(An)/Im/ea
Op 2: An
Subtracts the value of the first operand from second operand and stores in the
second. It does not change the SR. When using word size, the first operand is
sign extended to long and the second is read and written as a long.
Example: suba.w #$FF, a1
subi.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/ea
Subtracts the immediate value to the second operand
Example: subi #1, d3
subq.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Im
Op 2: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Subtracts the value of the first operand from second operand and stores
in the second. The first operand value must be between 1 and 8. If the
destination is a address register, it is always treated as a long, and
the condition codes are not affected.
Example: subq.b #1, d3
Op 1: Dn
Swaps the two word of the register, you can see the register as [a,b]
after the swap it will be [b,a]
Example: swap d0
Op 1: Im
Executes a trap, the value of the operand is used as the trap number,
only #15 is supported. The register d0 will be used as the trap type
which are:
Opcode Description
0 Print string pointed by a1 with length read in d1.w, null
terminated with max of 255, then prints a new line.
1 Print string pointed by a1 with length read in d1.w.
2 Read string from keyboard, writes the string at address of a1
and overrides the value of d1 with the length of the string.
3 Print number at d1.
4 Read number, writes to d1.
5 Read character, writes to d1.
6 Print character at d1.
8 Get time, writes to d1.
9 Terminate.
13 Prints null terminated string pointed by a1 then prints new
line, errors if string is longer than 16kb, to prevent infinite
14 Prints null terminated string pointed by a1, errors if string is
longer than 16kb, to prevent infinite loops.
Example: trap #15
tst.(b, w, l) {w}
Op 1: Dn/(An)/An/ea
Compares the operand with 0
Example: tst.b (a0)
Op 1: An
Sets the SP to the address register, then Pops a long value from the
stack and stores the result in the address register
Example: unlk a0
dc.(b, w, l)
Defines constants, following the directive there can be a list of
constants separated by commas, the size of each constant depends on the
selected size. If no size is selected, the size is determined by the
value of the constant. If the constant is a string, it will be stored as
a sequence of bytes, if it is a number, it will be stored as a sequence
of words
Example: dc.b 'Hello world!', 4, %10, $F, @8, 'a', some_label
ds.(b, w, l)
Defines a space in memory of N elements, the size of each element
depends on the specified size, the content of the space is undefined
Example: ds.l 100
dcb.(b, w, l)
Defines a space in memory of N elements, the size of each element
depends on the specified size, the content of the space is initialized
to the second operand
Example: dcb.b 50, 1
Sets the current position in memory for the following instructions
Example: org $1000
Defines a constant that will be replaced by the value when the program
is assembled
Example: name equ 10
Gets the content in the register directly. (the SP register is an alias
of the a7)
Example: d0, a0, sp
Dn: Data register
An: Address register
Gets the value contained in memory with address being the content of the
address register specified. Specifiying an offset by writing a number
before the (), the addressing mode becomes indirect with displacement
and the final address to read the memory will be (address + offset).
Ex| (a0), 4(sp)
(An) Indirect
Indirect Post/Pre increment:
Gets the value contained in memory with address being the content of the
address register specified. If it's the post increment, the address
register will be incremented after reading the memory. If it's the pre
increment, the address register will be incremented before reading the
memory. The amount of increment is specified by the size of the
instruction. In the documentation, wherever there is (An), this
addressing mode is valid too
Ex| (a0)+, -(sp)
(An): Post increment
(An): Post increment
Represents a numerical value, it can be a number or a label. When the
program is assembled, the labels will be converted to the address of the
label. Immediate values can be represented in many bases. (replace <num>
with the actual number). Note, a string will be represented as a list of
Ex| #1000, #$FF, #@14, #%10010, #'a', #'hey', #label
Im: Immediate
#<num>: Decimal
#$<num>: Hexadecimal
#@<num>: Octal:
#%<num>: Binary
#'<char/string>: Text
Effective address
Represents the address of the memory where the data is stored. It can be
a label or a number. When the program is assembled, the labels will be
converted to the address of the label.
Ex| $1000, some_label, 140, %101010, @22, 'e'
ea Effective address
<ea> Effective address
Base displacement indirect
Gets the value contained in memory with address being the sum of (address +
offset + base), where the first register (address) will be the base address,
the second register (base) and offset being the number before the (). In the
documentation, wherever there is (An), this addressing mode is valid too
Ex| 4(a0, d2), (sp, a0)
(An) Base displacement indirect