The following release notes document the changes to the project over time, as well as breaking changes and anything that needs to be done to update functionality.
Big changes and upgrades in this release, including breaking changes:
Added an sFlow collector and support for the structures defined by InMon (Enterprise 0) and a couple others. See the sFlow document for more information about what is currently supported and what is in development. This has added hugely to the codebase, but it's also added a wealth of information that we can build around to gain more insights into network and system performance.
Elasticsearch has been updated to version 5 - see the Elasticsearch release notes. There are a number of breaking changes that have occurred between the previous stable release and the current stable release:
- Field mappings previously defined as "String" now are defined as either "Text" or "Keyword" and indexed differently now - many field have had their mapping changed.
- IPv6 wasn't supported before by the IP field type and had to be stored as a String instead. Now IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported by the IP type and mappings have had to be updated.
- Curator has been through a significant update and now uses YML-formatted "Action" and "Config" files.
- The Head plugin is no longer supported and has been removed from the installation script.
- Java Heap option settings in /etc/default/elasticsearch have changed (e.g. ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g")
Kibana has been updated to version 5 - see the Kibana release notes. There are a number of significant changes that have occurred between the previous stable release and the current stable release:
- The Kibana UI has changed dramatically.
- sFlow Visualizations and Dashboards have been added, but they are fairly basic.
Initial release with Netflow v5, Netflow v9, and basic IPFIX functionality.
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