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© 2021
- Three pages (in the format shown below, excluding references);
- HARD LIMIT: we will not grade after three pages.
- Using these 7 steps as an outline
- Address one of the case studies
Ensure that your answer includes a redesign for a better version of the software (where the better software mitigates some of the issues discussed by the original software).
- Ensure that your text justifies why the new design addresses the problems you document.
Create an overleaf.com account
Select :IEEE Bare Demo Template for conferences"
Hit "open as template"
Add your name and email to list of authors.
Add these lines before
\usepackage[switch]{lineno} \linenumbers
Write at a three page paper.
Hit the "recompile" button
Look to the right of "recompile: for the download icon
Submit to Moodle