Interval rsync
Command line utility and Docker container for running rsync on an interval. rsync, synchronizes (one way) files between two sources, irsync wrapps rsync and runs it on a specified interval.
As a basic command-line utility, the only requirement is rsync. As a Docker container the conly requirement is Docker. The docker container size with all the requirements is only around 5 megs.
I wrote up a little background on the motivation behind irsync on my blog, rSync Files on Interval.
Setup a quick demo using Dockers docker-compose
command. Included with this project is a docker-compose.yaml
with a simple client/server setup. In this composer configuration irsync
is set to check the server every 30 seconds (after sync is complete. The server mounts the ./data/source
directory and the client mounts the ./data/dest
directory. Drop files in ./data/source
and see them appear in ./data/dest
Watch a 2 minute youtube video demoing the commands below
Setup and run demo (requires Docker):
# create a source and dest directories (mounted from the docker-compose)
mkdir -p ./data/source
mkdir -p ./data/dest
# make a couple of sample files
touch ./data/source/test1.txt
touch ./data/source/test2.txt
# get the docker-compose.yml
curl >docker-compose.yml
# run docker-compose in the background (-d flag)
docker-compose up -d
# view logs
docker-compose logs -f
# drop some more files in the ./data/source directory
# irsync is configured to check every 30 seconds in this demo.
#### Cleanup
# stop containers
docker-compose stop
# remove containers
docker-compose rm
brew tap txn2/homebrew-tap
brew install irsync
Update (when new versions are released)
brew upgrade irsync
Run Prints the rsync version every 5 seconds.
irsync --irsync-interval-seconds=5 --version
Adjust the interval to your requirement and add rsync
flags as you normally would.
go run ./irsync.go -pvrt --exclude='custom' --exclude='special.txt' --delete ./data/source/ ./data/dest/
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data txn2/irsync \
-pvrt --delete /data/source/ /data/dest/
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data txn2/irsync \
--irsync-interval-seconds=10 \
-pvrt --delete /data/source/ /data/dest/
docker run -d --name irsync-demo --restart on-failure \
-v "$(pwd)"/data:/data txn2/irsync \
--irsync-interval-seconds=10 \
-pvrt --delete /data/source/ /data/dest/
Create Dockerfile
FROM txn2/irsync:2.0.0
LABEL vendor=""
# if the rsync server requires a password
# exampe: keep local synchronized with server
# interval default: --irsync-interval-seconds=120
# activity timout default: --irsync-timeout-seconds=7200
CMD ["-pvrt", "--modify-window=30", "--delete", "--exclude='fun'", "rsync://", "/media"]
docker build -t custom-sync .
docker run -d --name custom-sync --restart on-failure \
-v "$(pwd)"/data:/data custom-sync
docker logs -f custom-sync
Use environment variableRSYNC_PASSWORD
to keep from being prompted for a password for servers requiring authentication.
Interval rsync uses GORELEASER to build binaries and Docker containers.
Install GORELEASER with brew (MacOS):
brew install goreleaser/tap/goreleaser
Build without releasing:
goreleaser --skip-publish --rm-dist --skip-validate
- Commit latest changes
- Tag a version
git tag -a v2.0 -m "Version 2.0"
- Push tag
git push origin v2.0
- Run:
GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN goreleaser --rm-dist