Django Google Integrations is a package that allows integrating Google OAuth into your Django application. It is build as a thin wrapper around the google-auth-oauthlib. You can view the full documentation at
- Provides following APIs:
- Authorization URL API:
- It generates google
which redirects user to Google's Authorization Server to request consent from resource owner.
- It generates google
- Authorize Web API:
- Exchange authorization code for access token.
- Talk to resource server with access token and fetch user's profile information.
- Authorize IOS Token API:
- Verifies an ID Token issued by Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
- Fetch user details from decoded token.
- Authorization URL API:
- Python >= 3.6
- Django >= 2.2.17
- djangorestframework >= 3.10.2
- google-api-python-client >= 2.9.0
- google-auth-httplib2 >= 0.1.0
- google-auth-oauthlib >= 0.4.1
You can install the library directly from pypi using pip:
$ pip install django-google-integrations
Edit your file:
# Django Google Integrations Config
"CLIENT_CONFIG_JSON": "[Google Client Config Json]",
"CLIENT_ID": "[Google Client ID]",
"CLIENT_SECRET": "[Google Client Secret]",
"REDIRECT_URI": "http://localhost:3000/google/auth/callback",
"RESPONSE_HANDLER_CLASS": "example.testapp.google_response_handler.GoogleSigninResponseHandler",
Create Response Handler Class and update path in GOOGLE_CONFIG
from import GoogleResponseHandler
class GoogleSigninResponseHandler(GoogleResponseHandler):
def handle_fetch_or_create_user(self, flow, google_user_data):
email = google_user_data.get("email", None)
user = get_user_by_email(email)
is_created = False
if not user:
user_dict = {
"first_name": google_user_data.get("given_name", ""),
"last_name": google_user_data.get("family_name", ""),
"password": None,
user = create_user_account(email, **user_dict)
is_created = True
extra_context = {"is_created": is_created}
return user, extra_context
def generate_response_json(self, user, extra_context):
response = AuthUserSerializer(user)
used in above ref. could be created as per app's functionality and contain fields which needs to be sent in response of authorization.- Following service methods are used in above code ref. which could be created as per app's functionality:
Update URLs
from django_google_integrations.apis import GoogleAuthViewSet
default_router = routers.DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False)
default_router.register("auth/google", GoogleAuthViewSet, basename="google-auth")
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