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feat: float-button & esm bundle
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07akioni committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 9f41df9 commit 6d989bd
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Showing 14 changed files with 139 additions and 63 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,22 @@

### Breaking Changes

- Fix `n-scrollbar`'s `scrollTo (x: number, y: number)` error where the order of method parameters does not match the document.
- Fix `n-scrollbar`'s `scrollTo(x: number, y: number)` error where the order of method parameters does not match the document.

### Fixes

- Fix `n-tree`'s `override-default-node-click-behavior` prop may conflict with default switcher click or checkbox click behavior.
- Fix `n-scrollbar`'s typo on `aria-hidden` attribute.
- Fix overflow issue with `n-menu` `root-indent` `indent`, closes (#5616)
- Fix overflow issue with `n-menu` `root-indent` `indent`, closes (#5616).
- Fix `n-form-item`'s feedback may hide and show again, closes [#5583](
- Fix `n-popselect`'s header make inner input unavailable, closes [#5494](
- Fix `n-qr-code`'s style of size.
- Fix `n-badge` affects child elements' text color.

### Features

- 🌟 Adds `n-float-button` and `n-float-button-group` component.
- 🌟 Provides ES module bundle at `/dist/index.mjs` and `/dist/`.
- `n-auto-complete` adds `append` prop.
- `n-select` add native `title` attribute when `filterable` and blur input.
- `n-split` adds `size` prop and `on-update:size` prop.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
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### Breaking Changes

- 修复 `n-scrollbar` 组件的 `scrollTo (x: number, y: number)`方法参数顺序与文档不符的错误
- 修复 `n-scrollbar` 组件的 `scrollTo(x: number, y: number)`方法参数顺序与文档不符的错误

### Fixes

- 修复 `n-tree``override-default-node-click-behavior` 属性可能覆盖掉默认展开按钮和选中按钮的行为
- Fix `n-scrollbar`'s typo on `aria-hidden` attribute.
- 修复 `n-scrollbar` `aria-hidden` 拼写错误
- 修复 `n-menu` `root-indent` `indent` 下内容溢出的问题,关闭 #5616
- 修复 `n-form-item` 校验结果可能会闪烁的问题,关闭 [#5583](
- 修复 `n-popselect` 组件的 header 插槽里 input 无法输入,关闭 [#5494](
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### Features

- 🌟 新增 `n-float-button``n-float-button-group` 组件
- 🌟 提供 ES module 打包(在 `/dist/index.mjs``/dist/`
- `n-auto-complete` 新增 `append` 属性
- `n-select` 在组件可过滤且输入失焦时,添加原生 `title` 属性
- `n-split` 新增 `size``on-update:size` 属性
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions esm-test/index.spec.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { NDataTable } from '../dist/'
import { createApp } from 'vue'

// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-exports-assign
exports = undefined

describe('esm', () => {
it('works', () => {
const div = document.createElement('div')
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jest.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ module.exports = {

// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
transform: {
'^.+\\.(jsx|js)?$': 'babel-jest',
'^.+\\.(jsx|js|mjs)?$': 'babel-jest',
'^.+\\.(tsx|ts)?$': [
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
"test:cov": "NODE_ENV=test NODE_OPTIONS=--unhandled-rejections=warn jest",
"test:watch": "NODE_ENV=test jest ---watch --verbose --coverage",
"test:umd": "jest --collectCoverage=false --testMatch=\"<rootDir>/umd-test/index.spec.js\"",
"test:esm": "jest --collectCoverage=false --testMatch=\"<rootDir>/esm-test/index.spec.js\"",
"gen-version": "node scripts/gen-version",
"gen-volar-dts": "esbuild scripts/gen-component-declaration.js --bundle --platform=node --tsconfig=tsconfig.esbuild.json | node",
"build:site:ts": "bash ./scripts/pre-build-site/ && TUSIMPLE=true NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 vite build && bash ./scripts/post-build-site/",
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46 changes: 41 additions & 5 deletions rollup.config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const extensions = ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.ts']

const baseConfig = defineConfig({
input: path.resolve('./src/index.ts'),
external: ['vue'],
plugins: [
nodeResolve({ extensions }),
Expand All @@ -24,8 +25,10 @@ const baseConfig = defineConfig({
babelHelpers: 'bundled'
external: ['vue'],

const umdConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
name: 'naive',
format: 'umd',
Expand All @@ -36,6 +39,12 @@ const baseConfig = defineConfig({

const esmConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
format: 'esm'

const devConfig = defineConfig({
plugins: [
Expand All @@ -45,12 +54,21 @@ const devConfig = defineConfig({
preventAssignment: true

const umdDevOutputConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
file: path.resolve('dist/index.js')

const esmDevOutputConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
file: path.resolve('dist/index.mjs')

const prodConfig = defineConfig({
plugins: [
Expand All @@ -61,10 +79,28 @@ const prodConfig = defineConfig({
preventAssignment: true

const umdProdOutputConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
file: path.resolve('dist/')

module.exports = [merge(baseConfig, devConfig), merge(baseConfig, prodConfig)]
const esmProdOutputConfig = defineConfig({
output: {
file: path.resolve('dist/')

module.exports = [
// umd dev
merge.all([baseConfig, umdConfig, devConfig, umdDevOutputConfig]),
// umd prod
merge.all([baseConfig, umdConfig, prodConfig, umdProdOutputConfig]),
// esm dev
merge.all([baseConfig, esmConfig, devConfig, esmDevOutputConfig]),
// esm prod
merge.all([baseConfig, esmConfig, prodConfig, esmProdOutputConfig])
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions src/float-button-group/src/FloatButtonGroup.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,12 @@ import {
type Ref,
} from 'vue'
import { type ThemeProps, useConfig, useTheme } from '../../_mixins'
import {
type ThemeProps,
} from '../../_mixins'
import {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +64,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const cssVarsRef = computed(() => {
const cssVarsRef = computed<Record<string, string>>(() => {
const {
self: { color, boxShadow, buttonBorderColor },
common: { cubicBezierEaseInOut }
Expand All @@ -70,20 +75,26 @@ export default defineComponent({
'--n-color': color,
'--n-button-border-color': buttonBorderColor,
position: props.position,
left: formatLength(props.left),
right: formatLength(props.right),
top: formatLength(,
bottom: formatLength(props.bottom)
left: formatLength(props.left) || '',
right: formatLength(props.right) || '',
top: formatLength( || '',
bottom: formatLength(props.bottom) || ''

provide(floatButtonGroupInjectionKey, {
shapeRef: toRef(props, 'shape')

const themeClassHandle = inlineThemeDisabled
? useThemeClass('float-button', undefined, cssVarsRef, props)
: undefined

return {
cssVars: inlineThemeDisabled ? undefined : cssVarsRef,
mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef
mergedClsPrefix: mergedClsPrefixRef,
themeClass: themeClassHandle?.themeClass,
onRender: themeClassHandle?.onRender
render () {
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/float-button/demos/enUS/badge.demo.vue
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@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# Badge

You can put a hover button with the number of badges on any element.
# Badge

You can put a hover button with the number of badges on any element.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/float-button/demos/enUS/basic.demo.vue
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Basic
# Basic

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47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions src/float-button/demos/enUS/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Float Button

Like `Back Top`, more appearance level, more interaction.
Like `BackTop` but with more appearance level, more interaction.

Available since `NEXT_VERSION`.

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## API
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| Name | Type | Default | Description | NEXT_VERSION |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `40` | 距离页面底部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| height | `number \| string` | `40` | 高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面左侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| menu-trigger | `'click' \| 'hover'` | `undefined` | 触发菜单显示的方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | 按钮组的定位方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面右侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | 按钮的形状 | NEXT_VERSION |
| show-menu | `boolean` | `undefined` | 是否打开菜单 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面顶部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| type | `'default' \| 'primary'` | `'default'` | 按钮的类型 | NEXT_VERSION |
| width | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| on-update:show-menu | `(value: boolean) => void` | `undefined` | 菜单打开或者关闭的回调 | NEXT_VERSION |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `40` | CSS `bottom` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| height | `number \| string` | `40` | CSS `height` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `left` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| menu-trigger | `'click' \| 'hover'` | `undefined` | Trigger action to show submenu. | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | CSS `position` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `right` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | Shape of the button. | NEXT_VERSION |
| show-menu | `boolean` | `undefined` | Whether submenu of the button is shown. | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `top` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| type | `'default' \| 'primary'` | `'default'` | Type of the button. | NEXT_VERSION |
| width | `number \| string` | `undefined` | | NEXT_VERSION |
| on-update:show-menu | `(value: boolean) => void` | `undefined` | Callback when the menu is opened or closed. | NEXT_VERSION |

### FloatButtonGroup Props

| Name | Type | Default | Description | NEXT_VERSION |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面底部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面左侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | 按钮组的定位方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面右侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | 按钮组的形状 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面顶部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `bottom` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `left` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | CSS `position` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `right` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | Shape of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | CSS `top` property of the button group. | NEXT_VERSION |

### FloatButton Slots

| Name | Parameters | Description | Version |
| ----------- | ---------- | ------------------ | ------------ |
| description | `()` | 按钮中的描述信息 | NEXT_VERSION |
| menu | `()` | 按钮会触发的子菜单 | NEXT_VERSION |
| Name | Parameters | Description | Version |
| ----------- | ---------- | ---------------------------- | ------------ |
| description | `()` | Description for the button. | NEXT_VERSION |
| menu | `()` | Submenu of the float button. | NEXT_VERSION |
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/float-button/demos/enUS/menu.demo.vue
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# 菜单显示
# Show menu

设定 `menu-trigger` 后,更多的 `n-float-button` 可被折叠于一个 `n-float-button` 中。
After `menu-trigger` is set, more `n-float-button` can be folded into one `n-float-button`.

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/float-button/demos/enUS/tooltip.demo.vue
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Tooltip
# Tooltip

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This story is not over.

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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/float-button/demos/zhCN/
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Expand Up @@ -21,29 +21,29 @@ menu.vue

| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `40` | 距离页面底部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| height | `number \| string` | `40` | 高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面左侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `40` | 按钮的 CSS `bottom` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| height | `number \| string` | `40` | 按钮的 CSS `height` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮的 CSS `left` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| menu-trigger | `'click' \| 'hover'` | `undefined` | 触发菜单显示的方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | 按钮组的定位方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面右侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮的 CSS `right` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | 按钮的形状 | NEXT_VERSION |
| show-menu | `boolean` | `undefined` | 是否打开菜单 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面顶部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮的 CSS `top` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| type | `'default' \| 'primary'` | `'default'` | 按钮的类型 | NEXT_VERSION |
| width | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| width | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮的 CSS `width` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| on-update:show-menu | `(value: boolean) => void` | `undefined` | 菜单打开或者关闭的回调 | NEXT_VERSION |

### FloatButtonGroup Props

| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面底部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面左侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| bottom | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮组的 CSS `bottom` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| left | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮组的 CSS `left` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| position | `'relative' \| 'absolute' \| 'fixed'` | `'fixed'` | 按钮组的定位方式 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面右侧的宽度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| right | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮组的 CSS `right` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |
| shape | `'circle' \| 'square'` | `'circle'` | 按钮组的形状 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 距离页面顶部的高度 | NEXT_VERSION |
| top | `number \| string` | `undefined` | 按钮组的 CSS `top` 属性 | NEXT_VERSION |

### FloatButton Slots

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