This project has been archived because I've developed a new one called Unogenerator, that tries to solve problems with OpenPyXl and odfpy libraries limitations, working directly with Libreoffice through UNO api with python, and getting better and more stable results.
You can still use Officegenerator, it's working fine and it's a good code repository using OpenPyXl and OdfPy.
Give it a try ;)
OfficeGenerator doxygen documentation:
Pypi project page
-, as the main programming language.
-, to generate LibreOffice documents.
-, to generate MS Office XLSX/XLSM documents.
-, to execute xmllint in officegenerator_odf2xml
You can view officegenerator/ to see an example of code:
- Search and replace in odf files doesn't work with odfpy-1.4.1, setup forces to use
- Changed default parameter keep_vba to False. Thanks Jorge Pachón.
- [Beta] First sorting methods
- Now it's not necesary to set selected coord in freezeAndSelect method. Bottom Right cell is selected by default.
- Fixed rewritten and data only conversion with absolute and relative paths.
- Now you can generate data_only files from ods and xlsx files from other ods and xlsx files, mixing them.
- Added horizontal and vertical totals fast method to ODS and XLSX formats
- Added methods 'create_rewritten_ods' and 'create_rewritten_xlsx' to get quickly a document rewriten by libreoffice with calcs added automatically.
- Added method 'create_data_only_xlsx' to get quickly a xlsx file with formulas converted to calculated data.
- Added skip_up and skip_down parameters in ODS_Read and XLSX_Read 'values()' methods to skip rows as necessary.
- Added method 'values_by_range' in XLSX_Read and ODS_Read.
- XLSX_Write and XLSX_Read have a new constructor paramter 'data_only' to show last save values of each cell instead of formulas.
- Huge performance improvement reading ODS files.
- Added skip_down to getColumnValues method and skip_right to getRowValues method.
- Fixed bug getting string cells in ods.
- Added Model and XLSX_Read to module visibility.
- Added Model totals to xlsx and ods files.
- [XLSX] overwrite_formula class type parameter is now a string to avoid innecesary imports.
- Improved formula styles and types (Money, Currency, bool).
- Added Model_Auto method for fast sheets.
- You can now generate a file from a Model method.
- Faster demo generation.
- Added standard sheets demos.
- Refactorized OpenPyXL to XLSX_Write.
- Added XLSX_Read class.
- Improved demo readonly methods.
- Method created to get column and row values
- Added method to iterate ranges and ods sheets.
- Added suport for time objects
- Added demo file to search and replace in ODT
- Demo works on windows again
- Added methods to remove rows and columns in Model class.
- Improved odt_table for standard_sheets.
- Added boolean number and styles.
- Added output dir parameter to 'convert_to_pdf' method.
- Added vertical header width feature
- Added forgotten object files.
- Percentage and Currency objects are now from reusingcode project.
- Added Xulpymoney Money class support as a string.
- Model updated to work fine with basic ODS, ODT and XLSX data sheets.
- Improving search encapsulating types with Strings.
- [#18] Added default topleftcell in freezeAndSelect methods.
- [#19] Added addRowCopy and addColumnCopy functions.
- Fixing problems with freeze and select
- Added formulas with different styles
- Added fist version of Model class and standard sheets
- Replaced setCursorPosition and setSplitPosition by freezeAndSelect
- Added officegenerartor_xlsx2xml to help debuging
- Fixing problems with freeze and select
- Datetime and date cells are now aligned right by default
- Added creationdate, description, and keywords to metadata in ODF class
- Added overwrite_formula method. Now we can define formula number_format
- Solved bug saving with template
- Unified method to freeze and set position
- Now integers in xlsx show thousands separator.
- Cell number format shows currency and decimals in float numbers, correctly
- Project moved from Sourceforge to Github
- [#29] Added function max_rows max_columns
- Solved bug converting to pdf files with white spaces
- [#28] Removed deprecation warning when removing OpenPyXL Sheets. Added test to check it.
- [#19] Added illustration method to add a paragraph with a list of images with the same size.
- Style None now preserve template style
- Used libreoffice number formats in libxlsxgenerator
- Now add in odssheet can guess the style if a color is passed
- Solved bug adding lists to sheets
- Added ODT_Standard and ODT_Manual_Styles to package visibility
- ODT tables now work again
- Images and tables can be named now in ODT documents
- Added subtitle, bold, underlined and illustrator styles in ODT documents
- Added cursor to ODT to add Elements wherever you want
- Added convert_to_pdf in ODT
- [#7] Solved bug with charmap in Windows
- [#10] Dependencies are installed when using pip
- [#11] Now you can add diferent currencies
- [#13] Now cells are vertical aligned
- [#14] Added a normal style to predefined colors
- [#15] officegenerator_demo --remove works now in Windows
- [#16] Moved missing functions with letter, number args to coord
- python uninstall works now in Windows
- Coord and Range addRow/Column functions now updates the object and doesn't create a new one
- Improving Range and Coord limit situations
- Added package tests
- Added append/prepend rows/columns to Range
- Added guess_ods_style function
- Replaced letter, number parameters by Coord and Range
- Added compatibilty classes OpenPyXL2010 and ODS_Write_Without_Styles
- Colors and data styles work in XLSX and ODS
- Solved problem with freeze and setselectedcell
- version is now in commons
- Improved spanish translation
- Solved problem with merged cells
- Added overwrite_and_merge to XLSX generator
- Replaced predefined styles by predefined colors
- Added officegenerator.xlsx to demo
- Addapted code to openpyxl-2.4.1
- [#1] Added dependencies in
- [#5] officegenerartor_odf2xml require --file parameter
- [#6] Show alerts in Windows if can't be executed
- Added internationalization infrastructure
- Added pkg_resources support
- Moved images directory to package
- Solved bug with image path in
- Now officegenerator_demo can delete example files with --remove parameter
- Added officegenerator_odf2xml to convert odf files to indented xml
- Added officegenerator_demo to view basic examples and code
- Basic funcionality